LinkedIn Post Generator

Unlock your creativity with our AI-powered post generator tool and effortlessly create engaging content tailored to your needs.
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Free LinkedIn Post Generator: I Used This to Get 1M+ Views on Linkedin

What is a LinkedIn post generator?

In today's hustle, professionals from all over the world are trying to become thought leaders on LinkedIn by sharing their two cents.

But only a few of those are able to achieve that successfully.

Most folks, including yours truly, struggle with the whole write-up game, staring at that blinking cursor, clueless about what to spill - what will get my target audience to engage with my content? 

Super hard! But does it really have to be that way? 

No. It does not. 

With the LinkedIn Post Generator, you can easily write a thoughtful post on any topic. Think of the LinkedIn post generator as your content wingman. It is fueled by AI power.

It takes the headache out of content creation, scanning your profile, sussing out trends, and vibing with your personal style.

No more blank-screen blues.

This genius tool saves time and amplifies your online game. Strengthening your personal brand.

It's not just about fancy posts; it's about cranking up engagement, boosting your personal brand, and unearthing fresh opportunities. 

Why Use Our LinkedIn Post Generator?

Unlike other tools on the market, our tool does not write fluff-filled posts. 

Our tool generates posts based on 200+ posts written by our expert copywriter it analyzed. 

Generate posts that are relevant to your target audience. 

Generate posts that showcase your expertise. 

Generate posts that get you more visibility. 

Generate posts that bring your leads. 

How to Use This AI Linkedin Post Generator to Get Viral Posts?

It’s a simple tool to use. You just need to input some of your raw ideas, and the tool will collect the data based on the ray idea and write a LinkedIn post for you. 

Here’s  how to use this tool: 

First, write the topic name on which you want to write a LinkedIn post: 

Ex: LinkedIn growth 

Second, you need to share raw ideas that you think would help showcase your skills (Optional)

Ex: LinkedIn is much more than just content posting. It is also about keeping your LinkedIn profile fully optimized. Make sure to use a professional picture, a catchy banner that is your free AD, a quirky bio, and not the same repetitive sharing of your experience, etc. 

Third, you need to select the tone of your LinkedIn post. 

Pick one from Professional, casual, sarcastic, or comedic. 

Lastly, you need to select the length of the post. 

Click “Generate” to see the results. 

But don’t you ever wonder what works best for a LinkedIn post? 

I get it. Over the past four years, LinkedIn creators have experimented with different formats. 

Surprisingly, only 5 types of content have really clicked during that time.

1. Listicle 

2. Story based

3. Testimonials

4. Before and after 

5. Step by step guides

How to use this tool to generate each of these types of LinkedIn posts? 

While using this tool, under the second section that is optional you can write your conditions while writing this post. 

Prompt: I want you to include this information in the post < information> and make this a <post type> post.

I know it’s hard to understand this way, so let’s say you are writing about your LinkedIn growth. 

Now, LinkedIn growth is your topic. 

Under the optional, write this:

I want you to include this information and rewrite it so that the pot should sound easy.  “Over the last 2 years, I grew my audience to 12K without writing on LinkedIn. I did it by only spending about 30 mins a day and got about 100+ leads via LinkedIn.”

Make this a story-based post. 

Did you try it?

If you haven’t given it a try, you’ll be amazed at the result. 

5 Do's and Don'ts while Writing a LinkedIn Post

After consistently writing LinkedIn posts for years, I’ve gathered enough data to tell you what you should do while writing them. 

Here are the do’s and don’ts while writing  a LinkedIn post: 


1. Have a strategy from the beginning.

Ex: Your content strategy could be to be split into 50-40-10.
That means 50% personal content(Inspiring), 40% How-to guides(Educational), and 10% entertaining content(memes or gifs).

2. Batch content creation. 

Block your calendar for 1 or 2 hours every week. Sit, create, and plan the content for the whole week. 

3. Spend 80% of your time writing the hook.

Always write the hook first. Because that is what will attract the audience in the first place.
You want your hooks to be scroll stopper hooks.

4. Repurpose content. 

Coming up with new ideas is tough. Even ChatGPT is not that good. If you find yourself in such a scenario, pick your old posts, rewrite the hook, add new information, and post. 

5. Write for your dream client. 

Always write for your dream client. Target your dream client by discussing their pain points and offering a few solutions. 


1. Don’t just post. 

Be clear about your goals. What do you want? New leads, building an audience, collecting emails, etc.

2. Don’t write an essay. 

Write in such a way that even a 5th grader can make sense of your content without anyone’s help.

3. Don’t post only text-based posts. 

Experiment with your posts. Ex: Carousels, lead magnets, infographics, video tutorials, etc. 

4. Don’t leave the post open. 

Always close your posts by telling your readers what they should be doing after reading your posts, etc. 

5. Don’t write long posts. 

Make your posts mobile-optimized. The hook, body, and CTA need to be mobile-optimized. No one should scroll the posts. 

Is this an AI LinkedIn post Generator?

Yes, this is an AI LinkedIn post generator.