Lead Generation

What is Linkedin Sales Navigator? We Used it to Get 3,964 leads in 2023

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a better variant of LinkedIn designed for salespeople. This article covered all pros and cons of using LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Let's see, is it worth for to get sales?

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
July 10, 2024
Table of contents
Gordon Ramsay asking are you ready?

This blog is for you…. 

If your business is still stuck on referrals. 


If you’re not able to build a strong sales pipeline. 


If you’re not able to consistently generate leads that BUY.

Every business in the world wants to scale their business.

You, me, everyone. 

But there is a massive hurdle that only a few people can overcome. 

It’s generating enough leads. 

Yes, I know you are using LinkedIn to generate leads, but so does your competitor. 

So, how do you get an edge? 

That’s where LinkedIn Sales Navigator comes in. It’s a tool offered by LinkedIn, which makes lead generation quite smooth

  • It will help you find your dream clients. 
  • It will help you build a sales pipeline.
  • It will help you scale your business.

I see what you’re thinking: “Yet another lead gen blog with the same old tactics.” 

Let me explain why this blog is different

In this blog, I’m sharing a method I've used myself that helped me grow my SaaS from $0 to $600K in annual revenue in the last 4 years.

You don’t need to start from scratch – you can easily replicate my strategy to build your own successful agency/business.

I’ll show you exactly how to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to generate warm leads on autopilot (we generated 3k+ warm leads just last year from Sales Nav):

🌟 We’ll start by understanding what LinkedIn Sales Navigator is.

🌟 Then, we'll see what kind of benefits LinkedIn Sales Navigator provides. 

🌟 After that, we'll break down the cost of LinkedIn Sales Navigator, looking at the right plan FOR YOU.

🌟 I'll also guide you on using LinkedIn Sales Navigator to find red hot leads that actually BUY.

🌟 Finally, we'll talk about the good and bad aspects of LinkedIn Sales Navigator to help you decide if it's still worth the investment in 2024.

So, without wasting any time, let’s get into the details. 

What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn Sales Nav is a tool offered by LinkedIn tailored for sales professionals. 

It is a subscription-based tool. With the tool, you don’t need any other database to find leads for your business. 

  • LinkedIn Sales Nav simplifies lead generation with 10M+ profiles, serving as a one-stop lead database – no need for additional purchases. 
  • With 30+ filters, precisely target your niche, saving time by avoiding irrelevant leads. 
  • Easily select and save prospects to your list/CRM for streamlined outreach. 
  • Identify key decision-makers, such as CEOs, Founders, Heads of Sales, within your target niche effortlessly.

These are some of the things the tool can do for you.

However, is that a good enough reason to buy the tool?

That’s why you need to know…

What Are The Benefits of LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

Sales Nav makes prospecting and selling easier. The more you use it, the better you get at prospecting your dream clients and selling your services. 

Here are some of its benefits. 

1. Higher search results per query:

  • You get about 250000 results per search query, whereas the free version of LinkedIn only shows about 10000 results. 
  • This gives you an opportunity to find and target more potential prospects
an exmaple of LinkedIn search limitation.
Source: LinkedIn

2. Advanced Search Filters:

  • Use smart search filters to target your niche.
  • You can choose filters like job title, location, company size, etc. This will narrow down your search and, in return, save you time and money.
  • You can also target accounts based on their annual revenue, company headcount, etc. 

3. Get Leads Automatically:

  • The lead recommendation feature suggests leads based on your activity and buyer intent signals.

This means that the leads you get will be people who are actively looking to buy, thus increasing your chances of a successful sale.

  • Additionally, it provides a "Lead Alert" feature that sends you real-time notifications for updates on the leads in your lists. These alerts can include changes in the company, job transitions, new milestones, and more.

4. No limits: 

  • Unlike the free version of LinkedIn, LinkedIn sales nav  does not impose any search limits on its users. 

You can get more advanced features based on the sales nav subscription you use. 

Next, I'll break down the different plans to help you choose the right one for you.

How Much Does LinkedIn Sales Navigator Cost?

Before I share how much LinkedIn LinkedIn Sales Nav costs, let us understand what plans it offers. 

LinkedIn Sales Nav offers 3 plans. 

the 3 plans offered by LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

1. Core Plan: 

Key features:

  • You can use advanced search filters to pinpoint ideal leads based on criteria like company, industry, job title, seniority, and keywords in profiles.
  • You can save and organize leads in different lists. This will help you track them easily.
  • You can send direct messages to leads using InMail

2. Advanced Plan:

All the features included in core plan and other key features: 

  • You can search and identify leads with greater precision. You also get more advanced search filters, including lead stage and company size and even search by the lead's email address.
  • You can access the Account IQ feature that uses AI to create Account summaries to enable better research and planning.
  • You gain valuable insights into your leads, such as their recent LinkedIn activity, connections, and the companies they follow, you can use this info to write hyper-personalized outreach messages.

3. Advanced Plus Plan

You get all of the features of Sales Navigator Advanced, including:

  • Unlimited lead lists
  • Unlimited InMails
  • Advanced sales analytics
  • Priority customer support
  • Integration with leading CRM systems
  • Custom ROI reporting

You can get the hang of those features easily once you try them. 

The real question is, are any of these subscription plans under your budget and which one of these is right for you? Let’s find out. 

Cost Breakdown(Monthly/Yearly)- Core, Advanced, Advanced Plus

the monthly and annualy plans of LinkedIn Sales Navigator.


Billed Monthly: $99.99/month

Billed Annually: $79.99/month


Billed Monthly: $159.99/month

Billed Annually: $108.33/month

Advanced Plus: Most expensive LinkedIn premium plan and prices are available as a custom quote.

Which Sales Navigator Plan is Right for You?

About 8 years ago, I was googling the same thing.

And guess what I found? 

Nothing useful. Nada! 

Every result just told me the features and pricing of each plan.

Because no one had enough experience to tell me which plan would be right for me. 

Over the years, I tried the tool on my own and generated 10000+ leads using Sales Navigator.

The answer is that the right plan depends on the size of your team and your goals.

Here are a few points that will help you make a better decision (these helped me, too): 

an infogrpahihc explaning who should buy which sales navigator plan.

Core Plan: It’s best for a solopreneur or a startup founder with a small budget. 

An affordable tool for basic prospecting and lead generation, it's the best plan to kickstart your sales journey

Advanced Plan: This plan is perfect for a sales team of 3+ or small businesses that need a more advanced set of tools to prospect leads for their business. It can enhance your team's efficiency. 

Advanced Plus: It is perfect for enterprise businesses and businesses that require CRM integration and advanced sales intelligence

But let me warn you!

Buying an expensive tool does not guarantee that you’ll get leads on your own. 

You need to put in the work to generate leads for yourself. 

So, the real question is…

How to Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Generate Leads?

Here’s how you can use LinkedIn Sales Nav to generate leads: 

1. Use Advanced Filters Search Filters

It provides users with over 30+ search filters to find the right audience. 

the advanced filter section. The section comprises of 30+ filters.

The cool part is, unlike LinkedIn, there's no limit to how many searches you can do.

The key features are filters that help you narrow down your search.

There are filters for Company, Function, Personal, Workflow, Spotlight, and Posted Content.

What I like the most are the Spotlight filters. They are smart—they find things like job changes, news mentions, and shared experiences. This makes it easier to identify good leads.

For example, you can use Spotlight filters to start a conversation by mentioning something like a recent job change. Another useful filter is 'Posted Content,' which helps you find profiles that have posted or commented on content related to specific keywords.

Imagine you've found a prospect on LinkedIn Sales Navigator who just changed jobs. 

Here's how you can craft a message:

"Hey <FirstName>,

Congratulations on your recent job at <CompanyName>. How's your experience there been so far?"

the 3 spotlight features provide by LinkedIn Sales Nav.

Well, you can easily find your dream customer, but how can you add them to a list? Let’s find out next. 

2. Create and Save Lead Lists

Once you’ve identified your ideal customers, you may want to handpick your dream clients and save them into a list.

Here’s how to create a list and save your dream clients: 

  1. Select leads with checkboxes
  2. Click on “Save to List”
how to hand pick clients to save them in a list.
  1. Click “+”
how to create a list on LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
  1. Give a name to your list.
that you need to name the list and add a description information before you save the list.

Once saved, you can access those leads through the “Lead List” tab.  

Now, if you think that your targeting is perfect and don’t want to hand pick the leads. 

Here’s how you can save the list: 

Click “Select All” and then save them to a list. 

How you can add prosepcts to a list without handpicking.

3. Export Leads from SalesNav

Sales Nav is a great tool - no doubt, but it does not allow users to export leads into a CSV and find their emails. 

Since you cannot export leads, you cannot upload the leads into your CRM. And that sucks. 

But there’s a solution!

You can use Salesrobot to export leads with their emails and phone info into a CSV file. 

Salesrobot allows you to fetch up to 2500 leads at once, saving you a ton of time and effort.  

Here’s how:

1. Open your saved list on Sales Navigator and copy the URL

Copy URL from saved list in Sales navigator

2. Log in to your Salesrobot account and click on “Advanced,” and Select “Prospect Pool” 

step 1 and 2 to start fetching prosepcts to Salesrobot.

3. Select “LinkedIn Searches” and click “Add Prospect” 

step 3 and 4 to begin prospect fecting via Salesrobot.

4. Click” Add Prospects From Sales Nav Search” 

how you can add prospects from LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Salesrobot.

4. Paste the link and give it a tag name. 

And done. 

In 24 hours, you’ll have all the prospects imported straight into the platform.

You will have all the data such as, First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Seniority, Company Name, Country, Email address, Profile URL, phone number, etc. 

I know your next question, “What if I want to fetch more than 2500 leads” 

Well, in that case, you can easily break the search into small lists and fetch them. 

To break down the search, use one of the 30+ search filters provided by LinkedIn Sales Nav. 

4. Send Personalized Connection Requests 

After fetching all your leads, the next step is to send personalized connection requests. 

However, LinkedIn Sales Nav does not provide icebreakers and doesn't allow you to personalize connection requests

If you try to personalize each request manually, it can take hours. 

The best way to do it is undoubtedly Salesrobot. 

You can run a campaign on the same prospects based on just the Sales Nav search URL.  

The tool allows you to personalize not only messages but also memes, gifs, and images.

With Salesrobot’s personalization, your messages can easily build a genuine connection with strangers and convert them to clients.

Personalized messages in Salesrobot
Source: Salesrobot 

Here’s how to do it:

5. Automate the Follow-up 

Sales Nav is a database of leads and not capable of following up. 

It is limited to prospecting. 

To efficiently follow up with a large number of prospects, leverage automation tools in addition to Sales Nav.

With Salesrobot, you can follow up automatically with your dream client on your saved list. 

Salesrobot allows you to send upto 50 connection requests and InMails a day as well as follow up messages at a schedule that you decide.

Additionally, Salesrobot provides options to customize all the automation and set limits if you need to slow down.

Salesrobot configurations
Source: Salesrobot

It also provides analytics so that your created campaigns, message sequences and outreach strategy can be optimized.

Here’s a quick 2-minute video for you: 

6. Send Free Inmails to Open Profiles

Sales Navigator comes with 50 InMail credits per month regardless of the plan. 

InMails are messages you can send to people you're not connected with(This is called bypassing the connection request step.)

Ex: If a profile is not open and allows InMail, you can send them an email. 

Also, Salesrobot allows you to send connection requests as an InMail variant for a premium profile that allows InMail. 

how you can send connection request message as a inmail using Salesrobot.

However, if you want to prospect on LinkedIn at a larger scale, 50 credits per month might not be enough. 

In that case, you can use LinkedIn groups and events to reach out to your ideal prospects. 

Here’s how I bypass the LinkedIn connection limit and reach out to 700+ prospects/week. 

7. Keep engaging with your Leads, Don't Let Them Get Cold

Saving those leads in a list, manually reaching out to them, or using generic icebreakers will not help you scale your business

You need to cold outreach in volume. 

For us, cold outreach success can be defined as: 

Automation + Personalization + Sales Navigator = Success 

If you want to achieve success, you have to prospect your dream clients using LinkedIn Sales Navigator and use Salesrobot to reach them in volume. 

Now, this will solve 2 major problems for you.

1. Outbound lead funnel - You will get leads via outbound consistently. 

2. Save hours on writing messages - Salesrobot will reduce time spent on personalizing each message. The tool will increase the reply rate by sending a personalized message to your prospects. 

If you are interested - take a 14-day trial. No need to share your credit card or phone number.

Just sign up and start using it. It’s as simple as that.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Pros and Cons

Now, if you are mulling over the idea of using Salesrobot with Sales Nav. I think you should also know the pros and cons of LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Because no matter how good the tool is, there will always be things that can be improved. 

Here are a few pros: 

1. You get 30+ filters to find the exact decision-makers. 

2. 50 InMail credits let you reach out to your prospects.

3. The tool recommends leads based on your previous search. 

4. You can save leads and accounts, write notes, and keep track of their interactions.

Now, a few cons: 

1. Too pricey for beginners. 

2. You can’t scrape personal phone numbers. 

3. Need to use automation tools on top of Sales Nav for outreach. 

4. You can scrape only 2500 prospects at once.

Should you buy a LinkedIn Sales Nav subscription? Scroll up to find the answer

Is LinkedIn Sales Navigator Still Worth It in 2024?

Yes, LinkedIn sales navigator is still worth it. 

But there are a few exceptions: 

1. If you are just starting out your journey on LinkedIn, then stick to LinkedIn only. 

2. If you are an experienced seller, then you need an automation tool like Salesrobot on top of Sales Nav. 

You may find the best B2B data. 

You may find your dream clients on LinkedIn. 

You may find the email addresses of your prospects. 


You won’t be able to automate connection requests. 

You won’t be able to send personalized messages at scale.

You won’t be able to reach out to prospects in their time zone.  

That is exactly where a tool like Salesrobot comes in.

It will take the burden of manual outreach on its shoulders. 

It will scrape the LinkedIn Sales Navigator and fetch 2500 prospects daily. 

It will help you reach out to your dream clients without burning out, taking a vacation, or calling in sick. 

And the best part is the tool costs less than your monthly Starbucks coffee fix.

Yes, you read it right. 

It’s only $99/month for our starter plan. 

If you are interested in Salesrobot but don’t want to commit yet. I have a solution for you. 

You can start your journey today with us for $0. Really, we don’t even ask for your credit card or phone number!

That’s all for today. 

Happy Hunting on LinkedIn. 

Message 100s on people on LinkedIn and cold email.

Every Week. Automatically.

Trusted by 3.2k users in 45 countries

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