Lead Generation

We tried 4 Octopus CRM alternatives for 2 weeks, and this is what we found...

We’ve decided to put Octopus CRM to the test - alongside some of Octopus CRM alternatives – to see what this tool has to offer and how it compares to some of its competitors.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
May 18, 2024
Table of contents

Octopus CRM is one of the many automation tools that claim to be the “all-in-one LinkedIn automation” solution.

In addition to positioning itself as a LinkedIn automation tool, the software's name implies that it includes an in-app CRM as well. 

That would be a great feature if that were indeed the case. 

That’s why we’ve decided to test Octopus CRM alongside some of its alternatives to see what this tool offers and how it compares to its competitors.

When trying out these tools, we’ve taken notice of all those features that are vital for successful LinkedIn outreach, such as:

  • Safety – because no one wants to risk getting banned;
  • Ease of use – including overall UX and assessing how intuitive the UI is;
  • Complete sequence automation – meaning that the user can automate an entire chain of actions

For example, that would mean automating a sequence of events that includes viewing a prospect’s LinkedIn profile before following it, like a post, and then sending a personalized connection request, followed by a personalized message;

  • Safe methods of bypassing LinkedIn limits;
  • Setting limits and scheduling activity – these are some of the staple points of LinkedIn automation since, without these options, any automation software would be incomplete and not as safe;
  • In-app CRM system;
  • Pricing plans;
  • Primary use case – Each of these tools has strengths that make it an excellent fit for particular needs.

Below, you’ll find a comparison table with a quick overview of all the crucial info.

Octopus CRM and alternatives comparison table.

Let’s begin by laying out all the essential information about Octopus CRM.

Super Mario jumping.

Octopus CRM - Overview

Octopus CRM home page.

Octopus CRM is a LinkedIn automation software that can be used for very basic LinkedIn automation.

It is compatible with Basic, Premium, Sales Navigator, and Recruiter LinkedIn plans.

Octopus CRM – Upsides

Octopus CRM has a few perks worth mentioning.

Ease of use

This tool isn’t too challenging to use, as it doesn’t have too many automation options, which makes it beginner-friendly.

The only activities you can automate with Octopus are:

  • Visiting profiles;
  • Endorsing up to 7 skills;
  • Sending connection requests – the regular way or via email;
  • Sending bulk messages – but only to first-level connections.
Snapshot of Octopus CRM tool

Since Octopus has a minimal number of functionalities, and they all work pretty much the same way. 

You can figure out the hows and the whats pretty quickly, which is a plus if you’re new to automation tools.

If you’re a more advanced user, Octopus CRM will leave you with much to be desired, precisely because it lacks more intricate features.

It’s relatively cheap compared to most other tools

The price probably stands out the most when it comes to Octopus CRM, as it is one of the most inexpensive tools on the market.

It offers up to four pricing plans, including an option to create a custom plan for agencies.

Octopus CRM - Downsides

On the other hand, there are areas in which Octopus CRM is greatly lacking.


Since it’s a Chrome extension, Octopus is clearly not safe as a cloud-based tool.

Ovopus CRM Chrome Extension

No browser extension can ever come close to the levels of safety provided by cloud-based software, despite what Octopus CRM’s team might claim about their tool being “the safest out there.”

Moreover, since it’s connected to your browser, your device must stay on the entire time your campaigns are running.

Besides that, Octopus CRM offers some automatic safety limits and warnings only if you subscribe to the Unlimited plan

If you go for one of the cheaper plans, you’re pretty much on your own – Octopus CRM will take no liability for your being banned by LinkedIn for using it.

No advanced automation options

As we’ve mentioned, Octopus CRM can automate only a few very basic LinkedIn activities, but that’s not all.

By far, Octopus CRM's biggest flaw is that there are no options for creating smart sequences. 

This means you have to create an entirely new campaign for each step you want to take.

Essentially, you have to create a separate campaign for each activity, such as, 

  • viewing a profile, 
  • sending a connection request, 
  • endorsing a skill, or 
  • sending messages to first-level connections.

You also have to manually extract all the symbols and emojis from your prospects’ names

Octopus CRM includes all the titles, symbols in connection requests

There are no options for scheduling activities or setting up automatic limits

After all, if you have to do almost everything by yourself, there isn’t much point in paying for a tool that’s only semi-efficient at best.

Octopus CRM is not a CRM at all

Octopus CRM is not really a CRM, despite what its name might suggest.

Octopus CRM only offers the option for importing and exporting data (if you buy a more expensive plan, that is) and a very basic statistics dashboard, but nothing more than that.

You cannot further organize or manage your prospects, and there are no options for segmenting your leads and laying out all the relevant data insightfully and clearly.

Essentially, Octopus CRM offers no more CRM options than any other LinkedIn automation tool.

In fact, it has even fewer options than some of the Octopus CRM alternatives we’ve tested.

Limited options for bypassing LinkedIn limits

Since LinkedIn has recently introduced weekly connection limits, it has become crucial for any half-decent automation tool to offer safe ways of bypassing them.

This is another massive weakness of Octopus CRM, as it has just one option for circumventing LinkedIn's limits: the invite by email.

However, there’s a catch to this as well. 

You get this feature only if you go for the most expensive plan, and even then, you get only 500 email finder credits.

To make matters worse, the credit is spent on a prospect regardless of whether the search for their email address was successful.

Octopus CRM Email finder credits

And guess what? 

If you want more email finder credits, you will have to pay extra.

Octopus CRM Email finder Pricing

Really great, isn’t it?

How much does Octopus CRM cost?

Octopus CRM pricing plans

Octopus CRM has four pricing plans and an option for creating custom plans for agencies that want to automate several LinkedIn profiles with the software.

The plans are as follows:

  • Starter at $9.99 per month;
  • Pro at $14.99 per month;
  • Advanced at $21.99 per month;
  • Unlimited at $39.99 per month.

If you opt for annual billing, you’ll get a 35% discount on these prices.

Even though the plans are really cheap, they come with a catch. If you want all the vital options for LinkedIn outreach automation, you will have to choose the Unlimited plan.

The most expensive plan is the only one that includes the feature of inviting prospects by email, the options for integration with other apps, and some safety limits.

The cheapest Starter plan offers next to nothing, as you’ll only have the option for an auto invite and a stats dashboard.

Also, as there are no options for teams, if you want to automate more than one LinkedIn profile, you’ve guessed it right – you have to pay for each license separately.

No matter what plan you choose, there’s a 7-day free trial, which isn’t that much time to see whether the tool is a fit for you.

Moreover, if you need more than the 500 email finder credits you get with the Unlimited plan, you can upgrade to some of the email finder plans:

  • S at $29/mo that comes with 1000 email credits;
  • M at $49/mo that comes with 2000 email credits;
  • L at $69/mo that comes with 5000 email credits;
  • XL at $99/mo that comes with 10000 email credits.


If you have high standards and expectations of your automation tool regarding Octopus CRM, there really isn't that much to say.

On the other hand, if you have relatively modest needs for LinkedIn outreach, Octopus has a minimal number of features that could be an advantage, as you won’t need too much time to wrap your head around it.

In a nutshell,

👉🏼If you need a tool that won’t put your LinkedIn outreach on total autopilot but leaves you with a lot of work that you’ll have to do manually. (more on this below)

👉🏼You’re okay with not being as safe as you could be

Then Octopus CRM might do you some good, and it is also one of the cheapest tools on the market.

However, don’t expect to get an in-app CRM system, as that’s something that Octopus CRM does not deliver to its users.

If, however, this doesn’t sound all that great to you, read on to see what tool is the best Octopus CRM alternative for you.

Octopus CRM Alternative #1: Salesrobot – Best if you want to put your LinkedIn (and cold email) outreach on complete autopilot without worrying about safety

Salesrobot home page.

Here is a video of a lady who is using Octopus CRM and is switching over to Salesrobot for its full LinkedIn automation capabilities.

Salesrobot has all the LinkedIn + cold email automation capabilities you might need.

As it has plenty of options for automating various activities, Salesrobot is a perfect LinkedIn + cold email outreach tool for a wide range of users, from: 

💣lead generation agencies to start-ups, 

💣sales teams, 

💣recruitment agencies, and 

💣individual small business owners.

Even though Salesrobot is relatively new in the market, it has still managed to position itself firmly among its competitors by collaborating with over 3200 customers in a short period of time and earning an outstanding rating of 4.8 on G2.

Salesrobot – Upsides

The following are some of the vital functionalities that make Salesrobot stand out from the crowd of similar tools.

Smart campaigns and sequences

Salesrobot includes various features that enable users to automate all sorts of activities on 2 channels in parallel: LinkedIn + cold email.

With Salesrobot, you can automate:

  • Viewing and following profiles;
  • Liking and commenting on posts;
  • Sending connection requests;
  • Sending highly-personalized messages, including creating entire message sequences.
  • Sending cold emails after waiting a few days after LinkedIn outreach

What’s even better is that you don’t have to create a separate campaign for each step since it is possible—and quite easy—to create a single campaign that encompasses all of these activities and more.

You can also delay and schedule specific steps, set up triggers, delete pending invites, blocklist individuals and companies, skip duplicates, etc.

Delete pending invites option in Salesrobot.
Salesrobot settings blocklist option.

As Salesrobot’s interface is very intuitive, you will have no problem creating your own campaigns in no time. 

And as an added help, there are ready-made campaign templates to help you get started quickly.

And if you’re someone who has no idea how to write good LinkedIn outreach messages, Salesrobot has an in-built AI called SalesGPT that can write a high-converting message sequence for you.

Message sequences generated by SalesGPT by Salesrobot.

Various integration options

Native integrations provided by Salesrobot.

Salesrobot integrates seamlessly with all the most popular tools, such as Zapier, HubSpot, Salesforce, Hyperise, etc.

That enables you to effortlessly export all the relevant data to your CRM or database of choice in a few clicks.

Foolproof safety

Salesrobot is a cloud-based tool, which means that the chances of LinkedIn detecting it are virtually non-existent

That also means that you don’t have to keep your device running for your campaigns to proceed as planned – the software will take care of everything even when your computer is shut down.

Moreover, Salesrobot has other ways of protecting the safety of your LinkedIn account.

In addition to randomizing activity, there are options in the tool for setting up limits for all the critical LinkedIn activities you want to engage in, such as:

  • Viewing profiles;
  • Following profiles;
  • Sending email and InMail requests;
  • Sending connection requests;
  • Endorsing skills;
  • Liking and commenting on posts;
  • Sending messages to group members;
  • Sending follow-up messages.
Daily automation limits setting in Salesrobot.

In addition, you can gradually increase the number of regular connection requests and InMails that you send over a period of time.

Gradually increase connection requests option in Salesrobot.

That way, the AI mimics human behavior to perfection, making it impossible for LinkedIn to get suspicious and raise the alarm.

If you’re still worried about accidentally crossing LinkedIn limits or alerting the platform with abnormal activity, Salesrobot has a Safe mode feature to ensure you’ll always stay within the recommended range.

Salesrobot's safe mode for automation campaigns.

Several methods of safely bypassing LinkedIn limits

Salesrobot offers as many as two options for working around the weekly limit:

  • Send free InMail – the tool will detect all the Premium users who’ve enabled the option of receiving free InMail and send a highly-personalized message to them. You can draft your message or use some of the templates as a helping hand.
  • Send messages to fellow group members – since you can send more than 200 messages a day to members of the groups you’re in despite not being connected to them.
Campaign configuration settings in Salesrobot.
Different ways of adding prospect lists to Salesrobot.

These methods are both effective, as you can reach out to many more people than the measly 100 per week, and completely safe since they are not against LinkedIn’s policies.

Top-notch personalization options

With this software, you can effortlessly draft and send highly-personalized messages and connection requests in just a few clicks.

Salesrobot’s latest generation AI can automatically find the things that stand out the most from a particular profile, such as:

  • Experience with volunteering;
  • Remarkable work experience;
  • Top recommendations;
  • Top certifications;
  • Mutual connections.
Personalized message sequence created by Salesrobot.

The tool’s AI will then draft a highly-personalized message based on the data it collected, ensuring that your leads feel like they’re talking to an actual person rather than a software.

If you decide to write your own messages rather than use our pre-made, fully customizable templates, Salesrobot will calculate the probable response rate of those messages.

Probability of getting a response calculated by Salesrobot based on a given message input.

Salesrobot - Downsides

Well, I’m not gonna lie.

Salesrobot is expensive. 

We have three pricing plans, which are:

👉🏼$99 per month paid monthly

👉🏼$397 per month paid quarterly

👉🏼$497 per month paid quarterly

However, the value you're getting for your money is more than enough to justify the price - considering that you get:

  • A first-rate AI tool that can safely bypass LinkedIn limits in several ways:
  • Options for fully automating practically every activity you might need for getting a steady stream of warm leads from cold email and LinkedIn;
  • A ton of features that enable you to personalize each step of your outreach your way.

How much does Salesrobot cost?

Salesrobot pricing page.

At the moment, Salesrobot has three pricing plans:

  • Starter at $99 per month,
  • Pro at $397 per month, and
  • Pro+ at $497 per month

The pricing plans include everything you may ever need from a LinkedIn automation tool and more.

Better yet - it’s perfect for teams of all sizes, as it allows easy integration with most popular CRMs and team collaboration.

And as it comes with a 14-day free trial, Salesrobot provides plenty of time to try everything out and decide for yourself whether Salesrobot’s the way to go.

When to go for Salesrobot as the best Octopus CRM alternative?

Ultimately, if you want an actual LinkedIn+email outreach automation tool that’s going to enable you to get a steady stream of warm leads on complete autopilot, then you need to look no further than Salesrobot.

Unlike Octopus CRM, Salesrobot has advanced options for creating various smart sequences and complex campaigns that run independently once you’ve entered the desired actions, triggers, limits, and delays.

Campaign sequence in Salesrobot.

What’s more?

Creating, customizing, and adjusting smart sequences and campaigns has never been easier, thanks to Salesrobot’s simple UI, which makes everything smoother for you to tune into your business goals.

Another huge plus is that Salesrobot is cloud-based and provides its users with a Safe Mode that’s available regardless of the pricing plan they choose.

When you combine that with the automatic randomization of all activities and the options for setting up limits and gradually increasing various activities, you get the formula for foolproof safety of your LinkedIn outreach – another thing Octopus CRM cannot guarantee.

In addition, Salesrobot’s latest generation AI is more than capable of crafting highly-personalized messages that are so human-like that there is no chance your prospects will figure out that they’ve been chatted up by software rather than an actual person.

And let’s not forget the one thing that’s important to most users – Salesrobot offers  2 safe and efficient options for bypassing the dreaded LinkedIn limits that work like a charm. 

If your dream customers are not active on LinkedIn, you can cold email them as part of the same campaign sequence in Salesrobot.

Having cold email and LinkedIn outreach in one single tool doubles the chances of you getting a response from your dream customers because some of them simply may not log in to LinkedIn that often, even if they do have a LinkedIn profile.

Whereas, with Octopus CRM, you get just one option - and you have to pay extra if you want to make the most of it.

So, if you’re ready for an automation tool that can: 

☝🏼create fully auto-piloted smart sequences and campaigns that bring a predictable stream of hot new leads, and 

✌🏼make bypassing LinkedIn limits a breeze while keeping you safe and sound,

Then, Salesrobot is the right Octopus CRM alternative for you.

Don’t just take our word for it. Sign up for a 14-day free trial and see what Salesrobot has to offer first-hand.

And there are no strings attached – we won’t ask you for your credit card info. 😉

Octopus CRM alternative #2: LeadDelta – Best if you want an actual CRM software

Lead Delta home page.

LeadDelta is a CRM software designed for LinkedIn.

That means that LeadDelta is not an automation tool like Octopus CRM and other software on our list. 

But it helps you organize and manage your LinkedIn leads in one place, giving you a more transparent and straightforward overview of essential data.

It does come with some automation options, though, such as sending bulk messages to a targeted segment of your LinkedIn network.

LeadDelta - Upsides

LeadDelta is an excellent tool if you need to organize your LinkedIn contacts and create an easily accessible database of all the vital info you may need for your business.

Some of its features that made the biggest impression are the following.

Helps with organizing your LinkedIn network

LeadDelta is masterful at giving you a clear, simple, and decluttered view of your LinkedIn contacts and their data, such as their email addresses, phone numbers, companies and positions they’ve worked at, etc.

LeadDelta Dashboard

In addition, you can tag and filter contacts for further segmentation. 

That allows you to group prospects that have something in common or leads that should be targeted in the same campaign, for example.

There’s also an option for bulk removal of LinkedIn contacts.

LeadDelta Tag options

You can choose to disconnect with certain LinkedIn users but keep them in your LeadDelta database, or you can erase them from LeadDelta alone. 

Finally, you could choose to delete them from both LinkedIn and LeadDelta.

Management of LinkedIn inbox

LeadDelta also helps you organize your LinkedIn inbox, which is notorious for its cluttered and unintuitive interface.

With LeadDelta, it’s much easier to keep track of all the messages you’ve sent and received. You can add notes and tags with reminders or relevant information about the correspondent and even pin the most important messages to access them more easily.

Add Notes using LeadDelta

Importing and exporting data

LeadDelta lets you gather all the necessary information from your contacts’ profiles in just a few clicks.

That way, you get a complete and understandable database you can further export and integrate seamlessly with any other app or CRM.

LeadDelta - Downsides

There are areas in which LeadDelta is somewhat lacking, and they mostly revolve around LinkedIn automation options.

It doesn’t offer much when it comes to automation

If you are looking for a software that will take care of your LinkedIn outreach, then LeadDelta is most definitely not the right choice for you, as it has next to no automation options.

LeadDelta is primarily a CRM software, and as such, it does a fantastic job.

When it comes to automation, though, the only thing you can semi-automate with LeadDelta is sending bulk messages to up to 25 first-level contacts

The messages come with basic placeholders to help you draft them more easily, but they are very far from being highly personalized.

How much does LeadDelta cost?

Lead Delta pricing page.

LeadDelta has two pricing plans at $34 and $55 per month per team member when billed monthly.

You get a discount when you opt for annual billing, in which case the individual plan comes at $22.66 per month.

When to go for LeadDelta as the best Octopus CRM alternative?

Despite its name, Octopus CRM cannot be called an actual CRM software since it offers next to nothing when it comes to organizing, managing, and creating databases of your LinkedIn leads.

LeadDelta, on the other hand, does precisely that and more, as it gives you a nice, clean, and decluttered overview of everything you need to know about your prospects on LinkedIn.

Its interface is pretty intuitive and easy to use, even if you’ve had no experience with CRM so far.

Overall, having a CRM for your LinkedIn prospects could prove to be a mighty weapon in your LinkedIn sales and outreach, especially if you combine it with an automation tool that puts all of your activity on autopilot and takes care of everything in your stead.

So, if what you’re looking for is a LinkedIn-focused CRM software that will help you organize, manage and have a clear view of your LinkedIn network and leads, then LeadDelta is the ultimate Octopus CRM alternative for you.

Octopus CRM alternative #3: Meet Alfred – Best for managing multi-channel campaigns

Meet Alfred home page.

Meet Alfred, previously known as Meet Leonard, is a tool that’s supposed to ease your lead generation process through automation.

Meet Alfred is different from other tools because it can tackle several social media at once, making it an excellent option for multi-channel campaigns.

Meet Alfred – Upsides

Several nifty features enable Meet Alfred to deliver outstanding results.

Seamless management of multi-channel campaigns

If you aim to target several social media at once, Meet Alfred has your back.

It would take you time to create each post manually, as it easily automates creating posts suitable for various social media.

The software saves you valuable time. 

Meet Alfred campaigns page.

This way, you can use one concept for everything: from LinkedIn to Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter.

In addition, Meet Alfred optimizes posts for different social media.

It considers the needs and prerequisites of each of these media when creating a post and even shows you a preview before posting it so you can see what it will look like when it appears before your followers and potential prospects.

You can also schedule posting time for every media.


Whereas Meet Leonard was a Chrome extension, Meet Alfred is cloud-based, making it trickier for LinkedIn to detect its use and ban you.

Moreover, the software offers options for setting up limits and tries to mimic regular human activity.

Meet Alfred daily automation limits.

CRM options

Meet Alfred has a built-in CRM system that allows users to view and organize LinkedIn leads on a single page.

Meet Alfred connections page.

You can also add tags and notes, apply filters, and export data within the app.

Meet Alfred - Downsides

Meet Alfred comes with quite a few weak points as well.

Unsatisfactory user experience

Meet Alfred’s interface is pretty clunky, and it has a steep learning curve. 

That means you should be prepared to invest some serious time and effort in mastering this tool's functions if you want to maximize its potential.

Moreover, the software is prone to crashing mid-task, and the campaigns can get glitchy. Unfortunately, this effectively renders many of Meet Alfred’s neat features practically useless.

To make matters worse, there’s been a report of false reviews on certain platforms, which raises additional flags when it comes to overall UX and UI.

Trustpilot review on Meet Allfred indicating presence of fake user reviews

Terrible customer support

Customer support seems to be a nightmare at Meet Alfred, as there have been various complaints about it.

Since you never know when an issue or a question might occur, you’d probably feel much safer if someone from the team was always there for you.

Sadly, Meet Alfred does not offer that option, so you’d better be prepared to take care of everything yourself.

How much does Meet Alfred cost?

Meet Alfred pricing page.

Meet Alfred comes with three different pricing plans:

  • Individual at $59 per month;
  • Business at $99 per month;
  • Agency at custom pricing.

When billed annually, you get a discount of 40%.


There’s also a 7-day free trial included.

When to go for Meet Alfred as the best Octopus CRM alternative?

Octopus CRM is a rudimentary LinkedIn automation tool that can automate only certain LinkedIn activities – and even that barely, if we’re completely honest.

Due to that, Meet Alfred most definitely overrides Octopus CRM when it comes to overall automation features, especially when multi-channel campaigns are concerned.

Even though its UX and UI are not as great as we’d like them to be, Meet Alfred still has some cool options for automating the creation, optimization, and posting of social media posts on several social media sites simultaneously.

As such, Meet Alfred is a fantastic tool when you need a multi-channel campaign with the main focus on social media.

Creating versatile posts for every media is easy-peasy with a few clicks, which saves you a lot of time, and that’s a feature Octopus CRM doesn’t have.

In addition, the in-app CRM system comes in pretty handy, which is something Octopus CRM doesn’t actually have. 

This feature allows you to have a clear overview of all the relevant data from LinkedIn.

In the end, if your primary goal is creating a presence on multiple social media platforms at once and managing multi-channel campaigns with as little time and effort invested, then Meet Alfred is the suitable Octopus CRM alternative for your business.

Octopus CRM alternative #4: PhantomBuster – Best if you want all-inclusive automation of your web activity

PhantomBuster home page.

Phantombuster is not an automation tool created exclusively for LinkedIn

Phantombuster enables you to automate practically any web action you would perform manually: from following profiles, liking and commenting on posts, and accepting requests to sending customized messages.

It covers various social media and platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Craigslist, Medium, and many more.

Phantombuster - Upsides

Phantombuster offers automation of nearly all web activity that marketers and business owners need the most, but some of its most noteworthy features include the following.

It automates a wide range of actions in lots of different social media and platforms.

PhantomBuster has options for automating entire campaigns on various social media, including but not limited to LinkedIn.

By connecting individual Phantoms—which are separate activities, such as viewing or following a profile—into a chain or a “Flow,” you effectively create a campaign that continues working on autopilot.

Campaign creation using Phantombuster

It scrapes data

PhantomBuster can extract almost any information available online and store it for your further use.

PhantomBuster LinkedIn profile scraper

The software provides you with an uncluttered view of the saved data, enabling users to access the information they need easily.

You can further export the data to your CRM software of choice, a database, or any other system you may need.

It’s cloud-based

Thanks to this feature, you can schedule your workflows, set triggers, and leave the rest to the tool.

Being cloud-based also means that the software will be up and running 24/7, without the need to keep your device turned on all the time.

Phantombuster - Downsides

Phantombuster, as nifty a tool as it is, is not without its faults, of course. Some of the most common challenges users face are as follows.

It’s not devised for LinkedIn alone

PhantomBuster is not primarily LinkedIn-focused.

Because of this, it’s not as fine-tuned to LinkedIn requirements and restrictions as some other tools on our list.

In fact, Phantombuster doesn’t offer a single option for circumventing the LinkedIn connection invite limitations, so you can send out just 100 invites per week using this tool.

There’s a limited number of Phantom slots and time restrictions

The number of slots you get in a plan determines the number of automated activities you can simultaneously have installed on your account.

That dramatically restricts your effective lead generation and outreach options, especially if you need more complicated, multi-step workflows for your campaigns.

Moreover, Phantombuster performs for a limited number of hours per day

It goes without saying that the more expensive plans provide more working hours than the cheaper ones.

Safety might be an issue

Phantombuster demands access to your cookies to log into LinkedIn as you do and to do that, you have to download a Chrome extension.

That raises the question of safety and probably increases the risk of being detected by LinkedIn bots, which do not favor such tricks.

How much does Phantombuster cost?

PhantomBuster pricing page.

Phantombuster offers several pricing plans that include different features:

  • Trial – that comes with 10 slots, 50 email credits and a 2 hour execution time;
  • Starter - $69 per month, with 10 slots and 20h per month;
  • Pro- $159 per month, with 15 slots and 80h per month;
  • Team- $439 per month, with 50 slots and 300h per month;

The pricier plans also include priority support and a dedicated expert in some instances.

In addition, each of these plans, except for the free one, comes with a number of email credits per day, which is essentially the number of email addresses you can scrape in a day.

Phantombuster also offers a 14-day free trial.

When to go for Phantombuster as the best Octopus CRM alternative?

Phantombuster is perfectly apt to automate practically any web-based activity you might need. 

As such, it has plenty of automation features that are suited to different social media and platforms.

However, this tool is greatly lacking when it comes to LinkedIn automation in particular.

Phantombuster doesn’t have the option to go around LinkedIn limitations, which is a massive issue for many users who are looking for a way to bypass those restrictions to grow their business.

In addition, it is on the more expensive end of the spectrum, especially if you consider all the limits and restricted number of dedicated activity slots and working hours.

As an alternative to Octopus CRM, Phantombuster is somewhat safer as it is cloud-based. That also means your device doesn’t have to be turned on at all times for it to keep running.

On the other hand, Phantombuster demands access to your cookies to log into LinkedIn as you do. 

To do that, you have to install a Chrome extension, which significantly raises the risk of being detected - and banned - by LinkedIn.

To wrap it all up, Phantombuster is an excellent software when you want to automate activity on the web in general

If your goal is to automate various actions on several channels and platforms simultaneously—and you’re not primarily targeting LinkedIn—Phantombuster is the Octopus CRM alternative that will do the trick.

So, what’s the best Octopus CRM alternative for YOU?

Man happily pointing fingers towards you.

As a parting gift, we’ll leave you with some key takeaways to help you make a well-informed decision on choosing a tool that will get the job done for your business-specific needs.

  • If you need an actual CRM rather than a tool that falsely advertises to be one, then LeadDelta is the Octopus CRM alternative that will not disappoint you since this tool really is first-rate when it comes to organizing and managing your LinkedIn prospects’ data;
  • Suppose you’re more of a multi-tasker and are keen on tackling as many social media at once as efficiently as possible. In that case, Meet Alfred might be the suitable Octopus CRM alternative. 

Its functionalities will enable you to create and optimize posts for different platforms in but a few clicks;

  • If you want a tool that provides you with overall web automation rather than being solely focused on LinkedIn, then look no further than PhantomBuster as the best Octopus CRM alternative;
  • And suppose you’re keen on getting a tool equipped with a top-notch AI that can create complex smart campaigns, safely bypass LinkedIn limits, and personalize your outreach to the greatest extent

In that case, Salesrobot is the perfect Octopus CRM alternative for you.

Wanna give Salesrobot a try? 

Sign up for a free 14-day trial right now and see for yourself whether Salesrobot’s a match. 

You don’t even have to provide your credit card information – just buckle up and enjoy the ride!

And who knows, you might just end up growing your LinkedIn network and getting $20k worth of clients, like this guy did

Salesrobot reviewed on G2 by a user named Jack Z.

Disclaimer: The content of this blog post reflects our own opinions and judgements based on our research and experience as of 18.05.2024. Comparisons made to other software or tools are for informational purposes only and are based on publicly available information and our own analysis. We do not claim absolute accuracy and encourage readers to conduct their own research to form their own opinions. While we may discuss competitor offerings, our primary focus is to showcase the features and benefits of Salesrobot. Salesrobot is not affiliated with any other software or tool mentioned in this blog post.

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