LinkedIn Guide

How to Find, Customize, and Share Your LinkedIn URL in just 20 Seconds (2025 Guide!)

Learn how to find, customize, and share your LinkedIn URL in just 20 seconds with this 2025 guide. Boost your profile visibility and make networking effortless!

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
January 28, 2025
Table of contents

Your LinkedIn profile is more than just an online resume; it’s your personal identity and your personal brand.

Trust me, it is crucial to optimize your LinkedIn profile, if you wanna stand out from the rest.

But, here’s the thing, once people optimize their LinkedIn profiles, there is one thing that they forget, and it also plays a huge role in optimization.

That’s right, I’m talking about your LinkedIn URL.

Well, you’ve come to the right place if you’re someone who wants to know about:

👉 Customizing your LinkedIn profile URL


👉 Where to find it and how to share it?

I’ve compiled everything in this blog, so you’re gonna find out:

➡️What is your LinkedIn URL, and what’s the correct format for it?

➡️How to get a LinkedIn profile URL?

➡️How to customize your and your company’s profile link?

➡️Steps to shorten, edit, and share your URL, and

➡️Some additional LinkedIn profile URL hacks and 3 quick fixes for ‘invalid LinkedIn URLs.

And no, it's not all technical jargon that’ll make you fall asleep.

I'll also provide some useful insights into how to structure your LinkedIn profile URL and show you some quick fixes if your LinkedIn profile link is not working.

So grab your favorite drink, and let's get started!

Old woman saying let’s roll

What is your LinkedIn URL?

Your URL is a link to your LinkedIn profile that you can share with your contacts to professionally connect with them.

This makes it super easy for others to find you on the platform. Here's an example for reference:

Linkedin profile url in the search bar

You can also customize your profile link to make it easy to share with others.

Your public profile URL is what you share with potential employers, colleagues, and friends. Making it unique and professional will make you memorable.

Let’s understand this better with the help of an example:


Which one of these looks more professional and easy to remember to you? Get my point?

But LinkedIn isn't just for individuals.

Companies have profile URLs too! It's how you can check out what a company is up to, who works there, and more. We’ll also talk about how to customize your company's profile link below.

What is the LinkedIn URL Format?

Your default URL starts with "," followed by your full name and a random string like this:

Now, let's talk about the format for a profile link:

Hundred is the Limit

Your URL can be anywhere from 3 to 100 characters long. So, whether your name is long or short, LinkedIn's got you covered.

Case Doesn't Matter

LinkedIn URLs are case-insensitive. In simpler terms, it doesn't matter if you type your name in uppercase or lowercase; it works either way.

No Space Allowed

Spaces are a big no-no. You cannot use any spaces. It's all about squishing your name together, like "jack-smith" instead of "Jack Smith."

No Special Characters

So, what characters can you use in the URL? Special characters, like @, #, $, %, etc., are not allowed. Just plain letters, numbers, and hyphens please

Avoid 'LinkedIn'

Lastly, don't include the word 'LinkedIn' in your URL. It's implicit, and everyone knows it's your LinkedIn profile.

This matters because a simplified and tidy link is easy to share, stands out, and looks professional too!

How to Find Your LinkedIn URL?

If you're still wondering, “But how do I find my LinkedIn URL?” Don’t worry, it’s pretty simple, and I’ll get to it right away.

Here's how to find it:

How to Find LinkedIn URL on the App

  1. Open the LinkedIn app.
  1. Log in and tap your profile picture in the top left corner.
LinkedIn mobile my profile
  1. Tap your name and then the three dots.
LinkedIn mobile user profile
  1. Now, just tap on “Contact info,” and you will be able to see and copy your profile URL.
LinkedIn mobile user profile contact info

This works for iOS too! Next, let’s see how to find it on the website.

How to Get a LinkedIn Profile URL on the Website

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  1. Click on “Me” in the top-right and select “View Profile”.
LinkedIn view profile option
  1. Now, you can either use the URL above your search bar or in the “Public profile & URL” section.
LinkedIn profile URL

If you look at the profile URL carefully, you can see that there is a name and a bunch of numbers after it.

It doesn't look all that appealing does it now? So, is there a way to customize it?

Yup, there is. It’s just 5 easy steps, let me guide you through it.

How to Customize LinkedIn URL in 5 Easy Steps

Now, let's talk about how to make your LinkedIn profile and company page stand out with a personalized URL. It's super easy, I promise!

Customize your LinkedIn profile link

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  1. Click on the 'Me' icon at the top of the LinkedIn homepage and choose 'View Profile.'
  1. You'll spot the 'Public Profile and URL' option on the right-hand side of your profile page.
LinkedIn public profile & URL option
  1. Click on the edit option, and LinkedIn will whisk you to the “Public Profile Settings” page where you can find the “Edit your custom URL” section.
LinkedIn edit your custom URL option
  1. Click on the edit icon, and create your custom URL.
LinkedIn Edit your custom URL option

Voilà! Your profile URL is now as unique as you are. But wait, what if you need to customize your company's profile URL?

Company pages work differently on LinkedIn than a personal account for sure. However, that doesn’t mean that customizing a business page’s profile link is complex.

How to Customize Your Company's LinkedIn URL

Customizing your company's link is a simple yet effective way to improve your brand's online presence and make it easier for people to find your business on the platform.

Follow these 3 simple steps to create a customized URL for your company:

  1. Login to your company's LinkedIn page.
  1. Head to the Page admin view and click on the “Edit page” option.
LinkedIn company URL edit page
  1. You will be able to set a custom URL in the “Page info” section.
LinkedIn company url page info

There you go! You've just given your company’s LinkedIn presence a personalized touch and made it easier to share and engage with the world.

How to Create a Short LinkedIn URL for Easy Sharing?

Is your profile link not working? A primary reason is that you picked a name too long.

Creating a short LinkedIn URL will make it easy to share, but can you shorten it for free?

Good news - Yes, you can! Here’s how:

  1. Just log in to your LinkedIn account.
  1. Head over to your profile and click on the tiny pencil icon in the “Public profile & URL” section.
Linekdin public profile & url edit option
  1. LinkedIn’s gonna open a new tab; click on “Edit your custom URL,” and that’s about it.
LinkedIn edit your custom url option

Remember to keep the URL short and sweet, and you can go ahead and save it.

Now, You're all set with a profile link that's easy to share and looks professional.

Oh and btw, to make your work easier, you can also use a free URL shortener that will automatically shorten your profile link in no time!

Can you Change the LinkedIn URL?

So, you've learned how to find your profile URL, customize it, and even shorten it.

Now, what if you set the wrong one or you simply wish to change it?

Well, you're in luck because you can change it just as easily as you customize it.

How to change LinkedIn URL on Phone

  1. Open the LinkedIn app.
  1. Log in and tap your profile picture (top left corner).
  1. Tap your name.
  1. Find the three dots under your info.
  1. Click 'Contact info.’
  1. Tap the edit icon and change your URL as you like.

That's it!

If you are using LinkedIn on your desktop, you simply need to follow similar steps as discussed in the customization process, and your new URL will be ready in seconds!

How to Share LinkedIn Profile Link

Just follow these simple steps, and you'll be on your way to connecting with the world.

  1. Click ‘Me’ at the top of your homepage.
  1. Select ‘View Profile.’
  1. Now, you can just copy the URL at the top of your search bar and share it with others.

To share your unique URL from the app:

  1. From your LinkedIn app, tap on your profile picture.
  1. Tap your name and click the three dots.
  1. You can share your profile link using the two options below.
LinkedIn mobile share profile options

That's it! Now, you can quickly share it on your resume, email signature, or wherever you wish to in just a few clicks.

Here are a few things to keep in mind about your LinkedIn Profile URL

I came across these pointers as I tried to change my profile link through the years; that I decided to share with y'all.

Custom Links Are Not Provided Upon Request

If you try a custom URL and you get an error message saying it's unavailable, it's unavailable PERIOD.

Man saying we don't do that here

Sending requests to LinkedIn is useless, as custom URLs are not provided upon request. Try another one or mix up some numbers; it should work.

It Can Be Changed Five Times in a Six Month Period

If you're thinking about changing your profile link often, hold your horses. Here's the catch.

An animation of a man saying but wait

While LinkedIn allows you to change your profile URL, you can only change it up to 5 times within a period of 180 days.

Your last URL is Still Yours For Six Months Unless You Unlink It

Your previous link is still yours for six months, even if you change it. But remember, once you unlink it, it's gone for good.

To unlink your URL, go to your LinkedIn profile and tap on the edit icon in the Public Profile and URL”. section.

See prior custom urls option on the public profile settings page

Now, when you tap on the edit icon beside 'Edit your Custom URL,' you will notice right below the text box there's a section with a drop-down that says 'See prior custom URLs that might be linked to you.'

Prior custom urls and unlink option
Source: LinkedIn

There, you can see all the URLs previously linked to you and can easily unlink them.

But wait..

Please Note

The original URL assigned to you by LinkedIn cannot be unlinked or changed.

How to fix an 'invalid LinkedIn URL'? [+3 Quick Fixes For Each]

If you've been wondering, 'Why my LinkedIn URL is invalid,' you're not alone. We've all been there.

Let's fix that hiccup together with these 3 super quick solutions.  

If You Cannot Change Your URL, You Can

  1. Shorten it

Remember when I said a hundred is the limit?

It's enough for most, but if you're among the ones who have never-ending names or numbers on their LinkedIn profile link, shorten it.

LinkedIn doesn't like a link above 100 characters ( is it really needed?)

  1. Avoid special characters and spaces

Using spaces/ whitespaces/ special characters in your URL is a big no-no, as LinkedIn will never accept such URLs.

Simplify your customized URL as much as possible. It's for your own good, trust me!

  1. Pick a unique one

If your chosen URL is unavailable,  no point fussing over it, just pick another one that is unique to you and call it a day. Minor number/ alphabet changes work efficiently. It’s all good. Really.

Sending requests to LinkedIn for URLs that are unavailable won't help, as they explicitly mentioned they DO NOT provide profile URLs on request.

If The URL is Inaccessible After Sharing

  1. Check your profile settings

Go to 'Me' > 'View Profile' > 'Public Profile & URL' and scroll down in the same column where you customize your URL to see if your profile's public visibility is on or off.

Animation of how to change public profile visibility settings

Turn it on if it isn’t already, please.

  1. Check for typos

Did you type the correct link while sharing? Are you sure? Recheck if there's an error to see if you mistakenly added spaces or left something.

  1. See that you don't share an old URL

Okay, so the public profile visibility is on, and you did not make a typo, so what's the problem? Maybe you updated your link but remembered an old one and mistakenly shared it.

I get it; less probable, but it is still a possibility.

Wrapping it up,

I hope this guide covered everything you need to know about your or your company's LinkedIn URL.

Creating a short and catchy LinkedIn URL for your personal profile or even your company’s profile is an essential part of your profile optimization.

This way, you can easily share your LinkedIn profile to others.

Once you have these in place, think about your outbound strategies, especially if your goal is lead generation from LinkedIn.

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LinkedIn Guide

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