LinkedIn Guide

What’s your LinkedIn SSI Score? (+ 4 Essential Strategies to improve it)

Improve your LinkedIn Social Selling Index without spending hours on LinkedIn. Get four practical tips to boost your SSI and attract new leads for your business.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
September 19, 2024
Table of contents

This blog is for you…

If you are thinking of finally putting your LinkedIn account to use and getting new leads for your business.

But you are still hesitant because your competition is really good at it, and you think, “Can I really beat him?”

Is that you? I guess it's time someone was honest with you.

I’ve built a six-figure business via LinkedIn. I started earlier than most people, which gave me an advantage.

Over the last six years, I’ve helped dozens of businesses(especially those who were disadvantaged) find new leads and build their businesses just via LinkedIn.

So the answer to your question is…

Drumroll gif

"YES", you can beat your competitor.”

And the HOW is no longer a mystery.

The “HOW” is nothing but “LinkedIn SSI score.”

Linkedin social selling is……

Wait, we are getting way ahead of ourselves. Frist let’s first find out what you’ll be getting from this blog:

🌟First, we’ll reveal what Social Selling is all about.

🌟Then, we’ll uncover the secrets of LinkedIn’s SSI..

🌟Next, we’ll highlight why your SSI is crucial for your business growth.

🌟After that, we’ll explore the Game-Changing Benefits of a high SSI.

🌟We’ll guide you on how to Uncover Your LinkedIn SSI Score step by step.

🌟Then, we’ll decode how the SSI is Calculated so you can maximize your score.

🌟We’ll share Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Your SSI in 2024.

🌟And finally, we’ll demonstrate how LinkedIn Automation Tools can amplify your efforts.

Stick around for the FAQs section, where we’ll address all your burning questions.

Time to find out if this SSI score can live up to the hype.

What is social selling?

Social selling is a new sales method that uses social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc., to attract new leads, nurture them, and close sales.

So, which platform should you choose?

Here are my thoughts:

- Tiktok/Instagram are too consumer-focused.
- Facebook has been dead for a while (well, except Facebook groups, which still works)
- LinkedIn is winning right now for getting clients because it’s the only B2B platform.

Okay! Cool, but what does it have to do with this LinkedIn SSI?

What Is LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index?

LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index, AKA LinkedIn SSI, measures how effectively you use LinkedIn for social selling.

What is Social selling

The SSI score indicates how likely a prospect is to buy from you on LinkedIn. HOW?

Before I tell you how let's address a common question…

Why should you care about your Social Selling Index?

And it's expected to reach USD 41,417.63 million by 2032.

That’s a whopping CAGR of 11.27% from 2024 to 2032!

And LinkedIn may….. NO, it will be the centre of it all.

Which means you’ll have the opportunity to get a share of that 11.27% growth.

And if that’s NOT convincing enough, here are 5 more reasons ⬇️

5 Benefits of LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index

1. Increased Visibility

A high SSI score basically means you're super active on LinkedIn, and the algorithm loves it!

Think about it—if you were super active on Instagram, would Zuckerberg mind?

Of course not! Same deal with LinkedIn.

The more active you are, the more likely LinkedIn is to push your content and profile to a bigger audience.

Profile views on LinkedIn

2. Personal Branding

Sharing great, unique, valuable content and engaging with others is like putting your thought leadership on full display.

The more you do it, the more you build your reputation and boost your credibility—it’s all about showing people you know your stuff!

LinkedIn personal branding

3. Professional Network Reach

By connecting with the right people in your industry, you're not just growing your network—you’re building relationships with potential clients, influencers, and future partners. It’s like expanding your circle while opening doors to new opportunities!

Who knows what kind of opportunity might come knocking next?

LinkedIn professional profile picture

4. Improved Relationship Building

Social selling is all about creating meaningful connections. A high SSI score is proof that you’re great at building and nurturing relationships—whether it’s through DMs or thoughtful comments.

Building relationships in DMs

5. Competitive Advantage

A high SSI score sets you apart from those with a weaker online presence, making you stand out in the marketplace!

Inbound leads via LinkedIn

By improving your SSI, you can position yourself to capitalize on the rapidly growing B2B network.

I guess now it's time to find out what your LinkedIn SSI score is!

How to find out your LinkedIn SSI score?

You can check your SSI score through two methods:

1. Without Sales Navigator:

  - Log into your LinkedIn account.

  - Visit LinkedIn/SSI

  - Your score will be benchmarked against leaders in your industry.

Social Selling index example

2. With Sales Navigator:

  - Navigate to Admin and click on User Reporting within Sales Navigator.

  - Access the Social Selling Index dashboard.

Now that you have your score, i guess you want to know…

How is the LinkedIn SSI calculated?

Your SSI score is based on 4 key areas:

1️⃣ Establishing a personal brand

2️⃣ Finding the right people

3️⃣ Engaging with insights

4️⃣ Building relationships

Each of these areas is worth up to 25 points, giving you a total score out of 100.

LinkedIn Social selling infographic

“Why aim for a high SSI score?

3 reasons:

1️⃣Boosts your reach,

2️⃣Makes you a thought leader,

3️⃣Opens up more opportunities.

And if you have a sore above 70% you are more likely to covert prospects than your competition.

Next up, I am going to show you how to actually improve your score.

How to Improve LinkedIn Social Selling Score in 2024?

Improving your LinkedIn Social Selling Index (SSI) doesn’t have to be daunting.

Here are 4 effective strategies tailored to improve your score:

1. Update your LinkedIn profile:

LinkedIn complete profile

2. Grow Your Professional Network

  • Connect with thought leaders.
  • Connect with your target audience.
  • Connect with individuals you know personally.

To find and connect with the most relevant people use LinkedIn’s advanced search.

3. Consistently Engage on LinkedIn

  • Post high-quality unique content to help you target audience.
  • Engage meaningfully via comments with your network.
  • Respond promptly to every comment on your posts
  • Follow thought leaders and participate in discussions(epecially in comments)
LinkedIn high quality posts

4. Leverage LinkedIn Sales Navigator

If you have a Sales Navigator subscription, use its advanced features such as to pinpoint decision makers at your target company.

But let's face it - manually implementing these strategies can be a massive time sink.

Who has hours to spare in today's fast-paced world?

Enter automation - your secret weapon for supercharging your social selling efforts. Imagine slashing your workload in half while doubling your results.

Sounds too good to be true?

In our next section, we’ll show you how to dominate your SSI score, engage prospects like a pro, and leave your competition in the dust - all while reclaiming your valuable time.

How LinkedIn automation tools can help improve Social Selling Index?

LinkedIn automation tools can save you a ton of time. Instead of manually searching, these tools find and reach out to your target audience for you(while you sleep).

1️⃣ Automated Connection Requests
✅ No need to manually send requests – Automatically send out connection requests.
✅ Save time and grow your network.

2️⃣ Effortless DMs
✅ Use AI to create a personalized relevant message sequence.
✅ AI does all the research on your behalf.

3️⃣ Never Miss a Follow-up
✅ Automated follow ups and jump in when you get replies.
✅ Follow up on every prospect.
✅ Strengthen relationships with follow ups.

4️⃣ Lookalike Connections
✅ Target profiles similar to your top connections using precise lookalike matching.
✅ While LinkedIn Sales Nav casts a wide net, automation tool hones in on hyper-specific lookalikes for laser-focused targeting.

5️⃣ Verified Work Emails
✅ Get verified work emails to connect via email later.
✅ C level executives spend more time on emails.

Think of all the time you could save. More time for other important tasks. More time to focus on important task such as sales and formulating growth strategies.

Building a quality network doesn’t have to be a time-suck.

But is there a tool that can help you save time, reduce stress, and boost your Social Selling Index?

Which automation tools can help improve LinkedIn SSI score?

Drumroll, please… the tool is...

None other than yours truly, SalesRobot.

SalesRobot isn’t just any other LinkedIn automation tool. It is a cloud-based tool that keeps your account safe while automating LinkedIn and cold emails.

Here’s how the tool works:

Suppose you want to connect with CEO’s who are your ideal audience. Now follow these steps:

  1. Search for the keyword “CEO.”
  1. Filter the target accounts as per your target audience.
LinkedIn search filter
  1. Copy the LinkedIn search URL.
LinkedIn search URL
  1. Login to SalesRobot and run a campaign
Salesrobot campaign - Add all in LinkedIn search
  1. Write a message from scratch or choose a proven template.
Write a sequence 3 ways on LinkedIn

Hit “Save,” and done.

SlaesRobot allows you:

✅To find lookalikes,

✅To find verified work emails,

✅To create advanced outreach sequence,

✅To create LinkedIn and cold email outreach campaigns, and more.

Cool, right?

If you are interested, you can take our $99 starter plan to get started.

But if you are not ready to commit, take our 14-day trial -  no credit card required.


That's a wrap from us!

If you still have any questions, check out our FAQ section for answers.

Outro gif


What is a good LinkedIn SSI score?

A good LinkedIn SSI score typically ranges above 70. Scores are measured out of 100, with higher scores indicating better social selling effectiveness.

How often will my SSI update?

LinkedIn updates your SSI score on a daily basis to reflect your current activity and engagement on the platform.

Does having LinkedIn Sales Navigator help you increase your SSI score?

Yes, having LinkedIn Sales Navigator can potentially help increase your SSI score.

Can I see my social selling index score on LinkedIn for free?

Yes, LinkedIn has made the Social Selling Index score accessible for free to all LinkedIn users. You can view your score and insights through your LinkedIn account.

Does the LinkedIn social selling index affect my visibility on the platform?

Yes, a higher LinkedIn SSI score can positively impact your visibility on the platform. It indicates active engagement and effective use of LinkedIn tools, potentially leading to increased exposure of your content and profile to a broader audience.

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Every Week. Automatically.

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LinkedIn Guide

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