LinkedIn Guide

LinkedIn Creator Playbook: 35 LinkedIn Post Ideas that will drive inbound B2B leads

35 LinkedIn post ideas for your brand! From sharing progress to expert tips, use these strategies to drive engagement. Plus a tool to convert views into customers.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
October 18, 2024
Table of contents

This article is for you if…

  • You’ve been seeing more and more B2B business owners build a brand and grow their business on LinkedIn (a sales trainer friend of mine who does gets most of his new clients from LinkedIn now)
  • You’re looking for ways to make your own content stand out and drive real results.

I hear you.

LinkedIn is winning right now for getting clients because it’s a great platform to build your brand.

It’s the only B2B platform.

- Tiktok/Instagram are too consumer-focused.
- Facebook has been dead for a while (well, except Facebook groups, which still works)

And, LinkedIn is not too crowded (yet). So you need to get in before it does.

That’s why LinkedIn is leading the charge.

Professionals with real-world experience are sharing their insights, adding their own spin on topics—and it’s paying off.

They’re growing their follower counts, increasing profile views, and generating more leads.

Want in on the action?

In this article, I’ll share 35 LinkedIn post ideas you can use right now to start creating engaging, impactful content that showcases your personality.

Let’s get started!

Why Should You Post on LinkedIn?

3 reasons why everyone should be posting on LinkedIn:

1. Increase Brand Awareness

Posting consistently on LinkedIn boosts your brand’s visibility.

If your content has unique value and quickly creates engagements, the platform’s targeting ensures it reaches the right audience, leading to more followers and engagement.

2. Expand Your Network

With over 1 billion members, LinkedIn provides a huge opportunity to connect with industry peers, potential customers, employees, and partners.

You never know who might see your content, become your 1st-degree connection, and ultimately your customer.

3. Build Trust

Sharing valuable, authentic content regularly helps establish trust with your audience, making them more likely to do business with you or recommend your brand.

So, without wasting your time, let's get into the content ideas.

35 LinkedIn Post Ideas You Should Share

That way, you’ll have tons of inspiration to craft content that truly connects with your audience and gets results!

  1. Before and After

Show progress by comparing where you started and where you are now.

You can share specific milestones, challenges you overcame, and lessons learned.

This makes you relatable and inspires your audience.

LinkedIn post idea example of Before and After
  1. Tell your origin story

Share the journey that led you to where you are today, and focus on the key moments.

You need to be authentic— it helps you create a deeper connection with your audience, showing them the human side of your success.

LinkedIn post idea example of Origin Story
  1. Challenges to Overcome

Talk about obstacles you’ve faced and how you conquered them.

You can share strategies that helped you. This would be a valuable lesson for your audience.

You need to be vulnerable on LinkedIn because that makes your story relatable.

Here’s a template you can start with:

If you’re not {action}, you’re falling behind.

But getting started isn’t easy.

99% are doing it wrong.

But you’re in the top 1%…



Avoid these beginner {topic} mistakes at all costs:

1. {Common mistake, described in 8 words}

2. {Common mistake, described in 8 words}

3. {Common mistake, described in 8 words}

4. {Common mistake, described in 8 words}

5. {Common mistake, described in 8 words}

Instead, focus on:

1. {Solution, described in 6 words}

2. {Solution, described in 6 words}

3. {Solution, described in 6 words}

4. {Solution, described in 6 words}

5. {Solution, described in 6 words}

And remember:

{Positive advice, described in 6 words}


  1. Books for Transformation

Recommend books that have significantly impacted your growth.

You can make it actionable by explaining one key takeaway from each book and how readers can apply it to their own lives.

LinkedIn post idea example of Books for Transformation
  1. Tools to Try

Suggest helpful tools that can improve productivity or solve problems.

You must also share the workflow you used to save time or overcome any common challenges.

LinkedIn post idea example of Tools to Try
  1. Highlight of the week

Share your biggest win or a noteworthy moment from the past week.

Whether it's your personal achievement, a professional milestone, or an unexpected breakthrough, you must tell what its impact was and the lessons you learned.

LinkedIn post idea example of Highlight of the Week
  1. Mental Mindset Transformation

Discuss a mindset shift that helped you grow or succeed.

You can share how changing your perspective opened up new opportunities or helped overcome setbacks.

Here’s a template to try:

{Strong belief or stance about topic}.

My {topic} process from start to finish in 11 stages:

1. {Step 1 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

2. {Step 2 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

3. {Step 3 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

4. {Step 4 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

5. {Step 5 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

6. {Step 6 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

7. {Step 7 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

8. {Step 8 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

9. {Step 9 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

10. {Step 10 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

11. {Step 11 succinctly described in 4 words or less}

That's my process.

What's yours?

  1. Personal or Professional growth

Reflect on your personal or Professional development over a set period.

You can highlight key areas where you’ve evolved, such as new skills acquired, habits formed, or challenges overcome.

Here’s a template:

I've made every mistake in the {topic} book over the last five years.

From {beginners mistake}...

To {beginners mistake}…

All the mistakes have taught me how to do it right.

Here are the top 3 [topic} essentials to help you stand out:

1. {Essential element 1, explained in 6 words}

2. {Essential element 2, explained in 6 words}

3. {Essential element 3, explained in 6 words}

Combine these with:

- {Action 1, explained in 6 words}

- {Action 2, explained in 6 words}

- {Action 3, explained in 6 words}

And you’re on the right track.

This game isn't rocket science.

It just takes elbow grease.

Put the hours in...

And you'll {outcome} sooner than you think.

  1. One-Liners to Add

Share short, impactful statements that inspire or motivate.

Here’s how I do it:

First, create a list of my favorite quotes that resonate with my values and goals. Then, explain why each statement is meaningful to me.

LinkedIn post idea example of One-Liners
  1. Podcast Interview

Share insights or lessons learned from a recent podcast appearance or listen.

And If you were the guest, discuss the experience and any surprising questions or feedback you received

LinkedIn post idea example of Podcast Insights
  1. Happiness & Positivity Quotes

Post an uplifting quote that resonates with your values.

You can add a personal anecdote that connects the quote to your experiences, make it even more relatable and impactful.

LinkedIn post idea example of Happiness quotes
  1. Encouragement and Support Quotes

Offer words of encouragement that inspire you during tough times.

You can also Invite your audience to share their own favorite quotes.

LinkedIn post idea example of Encouragement Quotes
  1. Build in public

Share your progress and learnings as you develop a product or service in real-time.

My advice is that you be transparent about your decision-making process. This openness builds trust with your audience and invites them to engage, provide feedback, and learn alongside you.

LinkedIn post idea example of Build in Public
  1. Share jobs and other professional resources

Help your network by posting job opportunities or useful career resources.

Additionally, you can share a list of resources—such as workshops, courses, or networking events—that can help others.

LinkedIn post idea example of Job Resources
  1. Create a carousel of evidence-backed tips

Present useful, research-based tips in a visually engaging carousel format. This is an interactive approach that not only educates but also fosters a sense of community among your followers.

LinkedIn post idea example of Evidence-Backed Tips
  1. Build anticipation for a launch

Tease an upcoming product, service, or event to generate buzz.

Share sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes content, or cryptic hints that spark curiosity.

Keep your audience guessing.

LinkedIn post idea example of Launch Teaser
  1. Start a weekly series

Commit to posting on a specific topic every week to build consistency and engagement.

LinkedIn post idea example of Weekly Series
  1. Use video to explain a complex topic

Simplify a challenging subject with a video breakdown. Keep your videos concise and focused, breaking down the information into digestible segments.

LinkedIn post idea example of Video Explanation
  1. Share advice on what NOT to do

Offer guidance by explaining common mistakes to avoid your industry or area of expertise.

LinkedIn post idea example of Mistakes to Avoid
  1. Break down your workflow

Walk through your process or workflow step-by-step.  

Use visuals or infographics to illustrate each stage, making it easy for your audience to follow along.

LinkedIn post idea example of Workflow Breakdown

21. Run a poll (and use the responses as data)

Ask your audience a question in a poll to see what they think about something important.

Let them vote and share their choices. After everyone has voted, look at the answers and tell your audience what you found out. Share interesting results or surprises.

This helps your audience feel involved and shows that their opinions are important to you.

LinkedIn post idea example of Poll with Insights
  1. Use a well-known meme format to tell an industry inside joke

Leverage humor with an industry-specific meme that your audience will relate to.

This approach entertains and fosters a sense of community among professionals who share similar experiences and challenges.

LinkedIn post idea example of Industry Meme
  1. Show off your expertise in a beginner's how-to

Provide a simple, beginner-friendly tutorial in your area of expertise.

LinkedIn post idea example of How-To for Beginners
  1. Summarize your best case study

Highlight a successful project or case study with key takeaways.

LinkedIn post idea example of Best Case Study
  1. Turn research into mini reports

Share bite-sized insights from in-depth research in a digestible format. Present findings in a visually appealing way - infographics,  carousels, or short video.

LinkedIn post idea example of Research Insights
  1. Free Resources

Offer free tools, guides, or templates that add value to your network.

LinkedIn post idea example of Free Resources
  1. Checklists

Provide a practical checklist that helps your audience stay organized or achieve a goal.

Consider including tips or best practices alongside each checklist item to add extra value.

LinkedIn post idea example of Checklists
  1. Routine Building

Share tips on how to create effective routines that boost productivity or well-being.

LinkedIn post idea example of Routine Building
  1. Pictures with Clients

Showcase photos with clients to build credibility and humanize your brand.

Accompany each photo with a brief story or testimonial that illustrates the positive impact of your work together.

LinkedIn post idea example of Client Photos

30. Zoom Class Pictures

Post snapshots from a Zoom class to show active engagement or expertise sharing.

LinkedIn post idea example of Zoom Class Pictures

31. Building Your Services

Talk about how you’re developing or improving your services, showing transparency in the process.

LinkedIn post idea example of Service Development
  1. Free lessons

Share images from client training sessions to highlight your work and results.

LinkedIn post idea example of Free Lessons
  1. Charts

Present data visually using charts to make your points clearer and more impactful.

LinkedIn post idea example of Charts
  1. Graphics

Use visually appealing graphics to communicate ideas or summarize concepts.

LinkedIn post idea example of Graphics
  1. Formulas

Share useful formulas or equations relevant to your industry or expertise.

LinkedIn post idea example of Formulas

And that’s the end.

Those are the highest-performing LinkedIn post ideas.


LinkedIn can help you find new customers!

But just posting things won’t be enough.

You also need to reach out to people directly.

When your posts get popular, you can start real conversations with others.

Here’s what happens when your posts are popular:

  • More people will look at your profile.
  • You will get many likes and comments.
  • You might get 10-20 new followers every day.

Some of these followers will ask you about your service.

But most people will just watch from far away.

These people want your service, but they don’t know you yet. They might be shy to message you first.

That’s why you should reach out to them and start chatting. This is how you can make money!

But don’t just send messages one by one. That can be hard and messy.

You lose track of conversations quickly.

Instead, use a LinkedIn and cold email automation tool like SalesRobot. It can save you 80% of your time and lets you send personalized messages effortlessly.

Also, I have created a sequence that you can use.

Sounds interesting enough? Want to try it?

Here’s a 14-day free trial just for you. Try it and see how it transforms your LinkedIn inbound and outbound game.


Message 100s on people on LinkedIn and cold email.

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LinkedIn Guide

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