LinkedIn Guide

21 LinkedIn Connection Request Templates [70%+ acceptance rate]

21 LinkedIn connection request templates that can boost your acceptance rate to 70%+. Learn how to apply them and scale LinkedIn outreach in 2024

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
October 9, 2024
Table of contents

This article is for you…

If you send connection requests daily to grow your LinkedIn network. Which is essential for every LinkedIn user today.

But not everyone accepts connection requests, especially blank ones.

Some people only connect with those who seem like they’ll add value to their network.

It’s about QUALITY over QUANTITY, right?

To be part of someone's quality network, you must send personalized connection requests.

But don’t make it sound salesy! Nobody likes that.

And I get it. Coming up with unique connection requests can be tough.

I guess it would be easier if you had a go-to template, right?

Well, today is your lucky day! We have 21 powerful LinkedIn connection request templates with examples (you can thank us later 😉).

Here’s what else we’ll cover in this blog:

Let's start with the basic question…

What is a LinkedIn connection request message?

A LinkedIn connection request message is a note you can use to introduce yourself and explain why you want to connect.

If you are thinking, “Why bother?”

It gives the other person context and opens the door to a real conversation.

Here’s how to do it:  

Add note to connection request

1. Open up a 2nd-degree connection’s LinkedIn profile.  

2. Click "Connect," then click "Add note."  

3. Personalize it with a short message

Heads up, don’t cram your entire life story in there. Just use one of the templates below.

But before we dive into the templates. You need to avoid 5 big mistakes.

5 Things Not To Do When You Request A Connection On Linkedin

  1. NEVER ask for favors right away. ❌  
  2. NEVER use the canned LinkedIn template.❌  
  3. NEVER send connection requests without a message. ❌  
  4. NEVER overwhelm others with lengthy details about yourself.❌
  5. NEVER pitch your product or service during the initial request.❌  

Instead, try this:

  1. Build rapport first. ✅
  2. Add a quick, thoughtful note. ✅
  3. Start with genuine interest instead. ✅
  4. Keep it short, simple, and to the point. ✅
  5. Create a personalized message that stands out. ✅

And finally, here are the templates you’ll have been waiting for.

21 LinkedIn Connection Request Template

Below are the 21 LinkedIn templates.

Feel free to use them and go wild.

1. Connect with someone you met at a conference or event

Hi {Name}, it was great meeting you at {Event Name}. Our conversation about {Topic} was really insightful. I’d love to stay in touch and keep up with what you're working on!

Hi {Name}, it was great meeting you at {Event Name}. Our conversation about {Topic} was really insightful. I’d love to stay in touch and keep up with what you're working on!

Connection request template to use if you met someone at a conference

2. Reach out to an industry influencer for a podcast

Hi {Name}, I’m starting a podcast in the {Industry} space called {Podcast Name}, and I’d love to have you as a guest.

Connection request template to use if you want to reach out to an industry influencer for a podcast

3. Connect with an alumni

Hi {Name}, as a fellow {School Name} alumna working in {Industry}, I’d love to connect and discuss how we’re both solving challenges in our fields.

Connection request template to use if you want to connect with an alumni

4. Send a connection request to a recruiter

Hi {Name}, I noticed you’re a recruiter in the {City} area. I’m a {Your Profession} with {X} years of experience and am currently seeking new opportunities. I’d love to discuss any potential openings.

Connection request template to use if you want to send a connection request to a recruiter

5. Propose a collaboration to a potential partner

Hi {Name}, I see we both work in the {Industry} space. I’m interested in exploring how we might develop a mutually beneficial partnership.

Connection request template to use if you to propose a collaboration to a potential partner

6. Engage with someone whose LinkedIn content you admire

Hi {Name}, I recently read your {Article/Post/Video} about {Topic} and was blown away by your insights. I’d love to connect and keep up with your inspiring content.

Connection request template to use if you to engage with someone whose LinkedIn content you admire

7. Connect with a member of the same LinkedIn group

Hi {Name}, I noticed we’re both members of the {Group Name}. I’ve enjoyed your posts, especially your recent one about {Topic}. I’d love to connect and learn more about your work.

Connection request template to use if you connect with a member of the same LinkedIn group

8. Reach out to an attendee from an event you attended

Hi {Name}, I saw that you also attended the {Event Name}. I found the session on {Topic} particularly useful. I’d love to connect and exchange feedback on the event.

Connection request template to use if you reach out to an attendee from an event you attended

9. Add a current colleague to your LinkedIn network

Hi {Name}, congratulations on your recent {Achievement}. I’m {Your Name} from the {Department} team, and I’d love to connect!

Connection request template to use if you add a current colleague to your LinkedIn network

10. Ask for an introduction

Hi {Name}, I noticed you’re connected with {2nd Degree Connection}. Would you be able to introduce us?

Connection request template to use if you want to ask for an introduction

11. Asking for advice

Hi {Name}, I’m {Your Name}. I’m seeking some feedback on a product we’ve built. This isn’t a sales pitch; I genuinely value your insights. In return, I’d be happy to buy you coffee or offer an endorsement.

Connection request template to use if you want to ask for advice

12. Invite relevant people to your  LinkedIn group (Make a LinkedIn Group first!)

Hi {Name}, great to e-meet you! I reviewed your profile and thought you might be interested in a free group for {Job Title}s. It’s all about building value for the {Industry} community. Interested in joining?

Connection request template to use if you want to build rapport with a community member on LinkedIn

13. Contact an author of a LinkedIn article you enjoyed

Hi {Name}, I read your article about {Topic} and found it very relevant to my work. Would you be open to a quick conversation about it?

Connection request template to use if you want to contact an author of a LinkedIn article you enjoyed

14. Use industry humor to break the ice with a new connection

Hi {Name}, here’s a joke for you: Have you heard of that new app that produces lotion? It’s called APP-OINTMENT! Okay feel free to reject this connection request now haha  

Connection request template to use if you want to use industry humour to break the ice with a new connection

15. Invite to a webinar

Hi {Name}, I’m hosting a webinar on {Topic}, and I think you’d find it valuable. Let’s connect, and I’ll share the most powerful framework for {Their Title} to achieve {Result}.

Connection request template to use if you want to Invite to a webinar

16. Increase blog traffic

Hi {Name}, I recently wrote a blog on [ Title ]. Would you be interested in reading it? [Insert Link]

Connection request template to use if you want to increase blog traffic

17. Find the right person at your target account and “warn” them about an incoming “cold call”

Hi {Name}, I’m trying to reach the person responsible for {Issue}. If I don’t hear back, I can have my team call you tomorrow.

Connection request template to use if you want to invite a connection for a quick call or meeting

18. Connect with local leaders in your area

Hi {Name}, it’s great to see a fellow {Area} resident on LinkedIn. How are you enjoying {Local Attraction/Custom/Weather}? I’d love to connect and learn more about your work at {Company}.

Connection request template to use if you want to connect with local leaders in your area

19. Send a connection request with free resource

Hi {Name}, great to e-meet you! I’m {Your Name} from {Company}. I’ve talked to many {Their Title}s who found this resource helpful. Check out our free {Lead Magnet} → {Link}. If you like it, we can book 15 minutes to chat about other ways we can help. Fair?

Connection request template to use if you want to send a connection request with free resource

20. Retarget potential leads

Hi {Name}, as a member of the {Group Name} Community, I’d love to connect and offer some immediate value. {link}

Connection request template to use if you want to retarget potential leads

21. Pattern disruption

Hi {Name}, pineapple on pizza? It’s vital to understand before we connect.

Connection request template to use if you want to pattern disruption

Should You Ever Send a Blank Connection Request?

I’ve seen gurus recommend sending blank connection requests. You probably have too.

Conflicting advice, right?

Here’s what I do and tell my clients to do:

ALWAYS personalize your connection request.

Only send a blank request if you truly have no reason to reach out—and even then, avoid generic messages because a generic message makes you look random or, worse, like a spammer.

LinkedIn is a powerful platform built for building professional relationships. Sure, it’s evolved with new use cases over time, but networking is still its core purpose.

And these personalized connection requests can boost your acceptance rate by up to 70%. Now, that’s worth the effort!

If these templates are working for you, why not scale up with an automation tool like SalesRobot?

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LinkedIn Guide

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