LinkedIn Guide

Steal Our 24 Strategies to Get Clients From LinkedIn in 2024

Discover 24 practical strategies to get clients on LinkedIn. This guide simplifies the process and shows how to leverage LinkedIn beyond job hunting.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
October 18, 2024
Table of contents

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If you are exhausted from sending countless messages without replies?

OR you are confused about which LinkedIn strategies actually work on LinkedIn?

For the next 10 min, I’m going to be honest with you and tell you the reality of LinkedIn.

You cannot get clients from LinkedIn!

Well, you cannot get clients if you keep on PITCH SLAPING.

You need to think out of the box.

I know It’s frustrating to see your efforts not translating into clients, especially when you know your services are top-notch.

I mean, who hates getting more business? No one, right?

However, getting clients from LinkedIn is not as easy as it sounds.

But we made it easy for ourselves, and have broken down the process into 24 strategies.

24 strategies for Lead generation in LinkedIn

Let's understand how to apply each, shall we?

LinkedIn Profile Optimization

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is a landing page and acts like a beacon calling people to learn more about you.

It creates the first impression on your target audience, and to make that impression count…

Here’s what you need to do:

✅ Use a professional headshot that shows approachability and confidence.

✅ Include a banner with a call to action and instructions on how to contact you.

✅ Write a headline that states your profession and highlights what makes you unique.

2. Build a Buyer-Centric Profile

Sure, getting a professional headshot, fixing up your banner, and writing a catchy headline is a great start, but it's only about 30% of the battle.

People really want to know how you can help them.

And you can do that in these 3 steps:

✅ Craft a summary that explains your expertise and how you add value to your clients.

✅ Optimize your profile with targeted keywords that your ideal clients are searching for.

✅ Add keywords to your LinkedIn posts, articles, and comments, making it easy for search engines to find you.

A good LinkedIn profile that attracts clients

There are multiple profile optimization checklists available online. You can download one.

Networking and Connection

3. Build a Strong Network

Now, now we all know LinkedIn is a game of building a network.

And to build a strong network, you need to connect, converse and convert.

Who should you connect with? Ex, colleagues, industry leaders, and influencers in your niche.

However, if you want to grow your presence faster—like hitting 2,000 followers in just a month—then you’ve got to actively engage with your network.

High engagement leads to better visibility and recognition.

Example of strong LinkedIn network

4. Leverage In-Person Connections

If you are serious about growing your network and getting clients. I recommend that you meet to attend conferences, events, webinars, etc.

Connect with people there, and get to know them a bit.

If they match your ICP, send me a connection request instantly with a personalized note. (the note should remind them how you met them)

For example, whenever we host a webinar, we ask all our attendees to share their LinkedIn profiles so everyone can connect.

So, let’s say you’re targeting CEOs of B2B SaaS companies.

You open one profile, and on the right, you’ll see other similar profiles that are a 90% match to your ideal client profile.

Cool, right?

Profiles under "Other similar profiles" section

5. Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups

You will find most of your ideal clients in LinkedIn groups, but the problem is that most of the audience is inactive there.

However, there is a way to find those who are active.

But, you need a LinkedIn sales navigator subscription for that. We will discuss the strategy in the upcoming sections.

6. Engage in LinkedIn Groups

I know most of the group's audience is inactive, but you can still find a few clients. How?

There are always people asking questions in groups, and if you can help them, it can help establish you as an expert.

Plus, you can share your knowledge and offer helpful insights through LinkedIn posts.

7. Follow Up After Connecting

Because people try to pitch slap in the very first message. So, here’s what we do:

Day 1 - Send a blank connection request.

If accepted, send a genuine message talking about something related to their profile.

Simply stating? No matter how many connections you make or how many people you reach out to, it’s crucial to follow up with them regularly.

Because follow-ups are more likely to help you convert a stranger into a customer.

Example of follow up

8. Personalize Your Connection Requests

If you still want to send connection requests with a message, we suggest you personalize them by mentioning something from their profile or a past meeting.

You could easily talk about their recent LinkedIn post, recommendations, endorsements, etc.

Keep it relevant. But don’t overdo it, or you’ll come across as a stalker.

9. Leverage LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Sales nav is a sales prospecting tool that helps you build a list for your target audience.

Also, here’s how you can make the most out of that LinkedIn group hack we mentioned earlier:

First, search for the group using the “Group” filter.

Second, apply other filters to narrow down your target audience.

Then, find the most active participants by clicking on “Posted on LinkedIn” under Recent Updates.

"posted on LinkedIn" feature of Sales navigator

This is how you find the most active target audience on LinkedIn.  

10. Reach Out to People Who View Your Profile

The "Who viewed your profile" section is often overlooked but is crucial.

High profile views

If someone has checked out your profile, they’re likely interested in your skills. Use this as an opportunity to connect.

Try sending a message like this:

“Hi! I saw you visited my profile. What caught your interest?”

11. Identify the Right Prospects

If you don’t have a sales nav subscription, no worries.

LinkedIn search is also powerful for prospecting.

It offers various search functions and filters to help you find members who fit your products or services.

Advanced LinkedIn search

Content Creation and Engagement

12. Create Useful Content for Your Client

Posting regularly on LinkedIn is a great way to boost your visibility.

But remember, it’s not just about quantity—it’s about quality too.

Make sure each post offers something unique and valuable to your readers.

Example of LinkedIn post with unique value

13. Publish Consistently

I make it a point to post every day at the same time—9:30 AM EST, to be exact.

It’s a habit that many successful creators follow.

The key is to find a time that works best for you and stick to it. Consistency helps your audience know when to expect your content, making it easier for them to engage.

So, experiment a bit, figure out what timing gets you the best response, and then make it a regular part of your routine.

Example of consistent posting

14. Use Different Content Formats

Try experimenting with various formats to see what resonates best with your audience. What type of content do they respond to most?

📽️ Videos,

🔢 Listicles,

📄 Long-form,

🖼️ Carousels, etc.

And the list goes on….

Types of LinkedIn formats

15. Engage in Conversations via Comments

When someone takes the time to comment on your post, or you’re jumping into the conversation on others’ posts, don’t miss the chance to share your expertise.

It’s your moment to shine and demonstrate your knowledge.

Respond thoughtfully, offer insights, and provide value.

This not only helps you build credibility but also keeps the conversation engaging and informative.

Enagage in comments

(We recommend leaving to leave at least 20 valuable comments per day)

Value Offering and Relationship Building

16. Offer Free Value

One of the smart ways to get noticed and get clients is to offer free value right from the start.

Think about sharing useful resources, crafting informative guides or e-books, or even hosting webinars and workshops that address your audience’s pain points.

Show your expertise and generosity to build trust and become the go-to resource in your industry.

Free resources get you high LinkedIn reach

17. Be Helpful

Want to get new clients from LinkedIn? It all starts with earning their trust. How do you do that?

Start by reaching out to prospects with a real desire to help.

Share useful tips, offer helpful tools, and show support in a kind way.

This follows the "Law of Reciprocity"—give without expecting anything back.

And do it super consistently.  

18. Make Introductions

People don’t like getting messages from strangers.

To start a friendly chat, ask a mutual friend to introduce you to your prospect.

Or, if you are the mutual friend, try introducing two people!

It’s a simple but powerful gesture that can have a big impact.

This works best if you know both individuals well and have a good reason for the introduction. Maybe they share a common interest, or one has a solution to the other's problem.

You’re not only doing them a favor but also demonstrating your own value as a networker and connector.

19. Collaborate With Influencers

You're missing out on a huge opportunity by not leveraging the influence of key figures in your industry.

Here's what you need to do:

Start by identifying influential individuals in your field who have a significant LinkedIn following.

✅ Once you've found them, reach out with collaboration ideas—think guest posts, joint webinars, or co-created content.

This allows you to tap into their audience and boost your own visibility and credibility.

And some of those will convert into your customers.

Example of collaboration wiht others

20. Leverage LinkedIn Company Pages

Company pages are often used for job posts or event updates, but in 2024, it's time to do more with them.

Let’s face it—LinkedIn posts from company pages often don't get a lot of attention. That's why many CEOs focus on building their personal brands to drive traffic to their websites.

But don’t write off your company page just yet.

You can still use it effectively by leaving thoughtful comments on relevant content.

Engage via company posts

This strategy helps increase your brand's visibility, attracting more traffic to your page, which can be converted into paying customers.

21. Use LinkedIn Automation Tools

Automation can change how we use LinkedIn. The right tools make lead generation easier, save time, and let you focus on building client relationships.

But not all tools are the same.

Pick a tool that’s safe for your LinkedIn account.

SalesRobot is one such powerful sales automation tool for LinkedIn and email automation.

✅ Ensures account safety

✅ Send 200+ messages daily

✅ Bypass LinkedIn connection limits

✅ Integrate with your favourite CRM

✅ AI-powered SalesGPT campaigns for beginners

✅ Comment on LinkedIn posts in 5 different tones

✅ Pick the right customer persona for you to reach out to

✅ Extensive LinkedIn message templates

✅ Automatic follow-ups until prospects reply

✅ Multi-channel campaigns (LinkedIn + Email)

✅ Hyper-personalised messages with custom GIFs and memes

image showing hyper-personalisation features of SalesRobot.

SalesRobot is a top choice thanks to its robust personalization features, including customizable templates, a smart inbox, and image/GIF personalization.

It caters to everyone but is especially perfect for small and medium-sized businesses and lead generation agencies looking to add a human touch to their automated outreach.

Plus, it offers straightforward pricing with no hidden fees. Here’s the breakdown:

Pricing of SalesRobot
  • Do it yourself plan: $99/month
  • We do it for you plan: $ 397/month
  • We do it all plan: $497/month

The annual subscription offers a 20% discount.

With a 14-day free trial that does not require a credit card, taking SalesRobot on a test drive is a no-brainer.

Building and Maintaining Professionalism

22. Know Your Ideal Client

To make these strategies work, you need to know:

- Who needs your services?

Identify your target audience by defining your ideal clients.


- What industries and roles they are in?

- The types of companies they work for?

- Their location? Revenue size? Etc.

Getting clarity on certain aspects is crucial for successful client discovery and closing deals.

23. Let Testimonials Do The Talking

It's tough to trust someone who constantly brags about their achievements without proof.

At the same time, downplaying your successes won't help either—you need to market yourself effectively to get clients.

The best strategy?

Create a strong portfolio of your past work and client testimonials. And let those speak for you, rather than talking about yourself too much.

Client testimonials

24. Request Recommendations

I get it if, for some reason, you cannot show your work (confidentiality issues), but what you can do is ask your clients to leave their testimonials as LinkedIn recommendations.

Recommendations are powerful social proof that can enhance your credibility and new clients.

LinkedIn recommendation

Their endorsements will act as testimonials, helping to persuade potential clients to choose you.


And those are the 24 strategies we use and recommend to our clients for getting leads from LinkedIn.

These strategies can turn LinkedIn into a powerful, nonstop lead generation machine that helps you attract and book new leads every day—without burning out.

Remember, LinkedIn isn’t just a job board—it’s a platform with opportunities for meaningful connections and business growth.

Imagine the satisfaction of watching your efforts pay off as you build genuine relationships and see your client base flourish.

And if SalesRobot caught your eye - feel free to try our 14 day trial.

No credit card required.

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LinkedIn Guide

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