Lead Generation

Dux-Soup Review: Is This LinkedIn Automation Tool Still Relevant in 2024?

Dux-Soup is a wildly popular LinkedIn automation tool. But does it stand out from other tools in the market? In this dux-soup review, we take an in-depth look at dux-soup’s features and what users say about it.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
May 29, 2024
Table of contents

Attention sales nerds!

According to Hubspot’s research, LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation than Facebook and Twitter. With such potential at your fingertips, having the right tools to make the most of this platform is crucial.

I know the struggle to find the right LinkedIn automation tool for your business. 

And, if you're like me, you've probably spent countless hours sifting through different Dux-Soup reviews, trying to figure out if it's worth investing in.

Well, buddy, you're not alone. 

After scouring through hundreds of Dux-Soup reviews and testing the tool myself, I've compiled everything you need to know about Dux-Soup in this article.

So, whether you're a small business owner or part of a marketing agency, this comprehensive review will help you determine if Dux-Soup is the right fit for your business needs.

Here are some key points we'll cover:

🌟An overview of what Dux-Soup is

🌟Pros and cons of using Dux-Soup

🌟Real-life experiences of how Dux-Soup worked for businesses like yours

🌟A breakdown of the pricing structure

🌟An in-depth review of Dux-Soup’s most popular features

I promise to keep things simple and straightforward without any fancy jargon.

We're all busy business owners, so let's dive into the world of Dux-Soup together and see if it's worth the investment.

Sit back, relax, and let's dive deep into Dux Soup!

So, what is Dux-Soup?

Dux-Soup is a LinkedIn automation tool that helps you reach out to potential clients/employees/partners, well anyone really, on LinkedIn.

With Dux-Soup, you can send personalized connection requests and messages, and it also has an auto-reply feature that responds to messages quickly.

All these actions are performed directly from your LinkedIn account using your browser.

Dux-Soup's sales navigation feature can personalize your outreach messaging and can handle the volume and frequency of messages you send.

Additionally, you can run multiple campaigns simultaneously and target different audiences with each campaign.

Want to explore the advantages and disadvantages of Dux Soup? Let's use a visual representation to make it easier to understand!

Duxsoup pros and cons infographic

If you're curious to learn more, here are some notes on Dux Soup's features and drawbacks.

Dux-Soup review: Where does it shine?

Dux-Soup is a LinkedIn automation tool that helps users automate their LinkedIn prospecting and outreach activities.

Dux-Soup is a top-rated lead generation tool with impressive ratings of 4.3 out of 5 on G2 and 4 out of 5 on Capterra.

Dux-soup pros

Based on reviews, the following are the top 4 most popular Dux-Soup features:

1. Building a network of potential customers on LinkedIn:

Dux-Soup makes it easy to expand your LinkedIn network by automating the process of making connections and adding prospects to lists.

With Dux-Soup, you can:

  • Set up targeted searches to find prospects that fit your ideal customer profile
  • Automatically send connection requests to ideal prospects
  • Follow up using customizable message sequences
  • Export your connections and their details to a CSV file for further analysis or integration with other tools
G2 review of Dux soup
Source: G2

2. Multiple campaigns setup:

Dux-Soup allows you to run multiple campaigns at once, so you can target different types of prospects with different messages.

This feature is particularly useful if you have multiple products or services to promote or if you're targeting prospects with different job titles or in different industries.

With Dux-Soup, you can:

  • Create multiple campaigns with different settings and message sequences
  • Choose which campaign to run at any given time
  • Pause, resume, or delete campaigns as needed
You can run multiple campaigns at once in Dux-Soup
Source: Dux-soup

3. Low cost:

Dux-Soup is an affordable solution for LinkedIn automation compared to other tools in the market.

Its pricing plans start at just a few dollars per month, which makes it accessible to small businesses and individual users.

Despite its low cost, Dux-Soup offers a wide range of features that can help you save time and grow your network on LinkedIn.

Dux soup pricing
Source: Dux Soup

4. Integration with CRM:

Dux-Soup integrates with many CRM products, which makes it easy to move data between different tools. With this feature, you can:

  • Automatically sync your LinkedIn connections with your CRM
  • Add tags or notes to your connections based on their behavior or interests
  • Use your CRM to manage your follow-up activities, such as sending emails or scheduling meetings
  • Get a complete picture of your prospects by combining their LinkedIn data with information from your other tools
All the integrations Dux Soup support
Source: Dux Soup

Now that we know where Dux-Soup shines, we need to know where Dux-Soup falls short.

Dux-Soup review: Where does it fall short?

Dux-Soup is primarily a Chrome Extension (even though they claim that they have cloud features)that is used to automate LinkedIn lead generation.

disadvantages of Duxsoup

While it may seem like a helpful tool, based on the reviews provided, here are the top 5 worst Dux-Soup features to take a look at before using it:

1. Complex and unintuitive user interface:

I find it frustrating when a tool's interface is too complicated.

The UI of Dux-Soup can be quite illogical and unintuitive, making it hard for new users to learn how to use it effectively.

Even after spending paid hours trying to solve technical issues, some users still find navigating the platform challenging.

If you're looking for a tool that's easy to use, Dux-Soup might not be the right fit for you.

Dux soup has an outdated UI
Source: G2

2. Slows down your computer

One of the biggest issues that Dux-Soup users face is that it slows down LinkedIn, causing delays of at least 5 to 10 seconds when opening new pages or lists.

Imagine scrolling through your LinkedIn feed, and every time you click on a new profile, you have to wait for a few seconds before the page loads.

It can be frustrating and time-consuming.

If you value your time and want to be efficient, Dux-Soup might not be the right tool.

G2 review of Duxsoup
Source: G2

3. Can get you banned from LinkedIn:

It's important to keep in mind that LinkedIn's algorithms are designed to flag any unusual activity, and auto-inviting a large number of people within a short period can be considered spamming.

If you want to grow your LinkedIn network, you might want to consider using a different tool.

Dux soup got a users account banned
Source: G2

4. Limited resources to navigate through the tool :  

While the tool’s interface is difficult to understand, the team behind the tool has made it even more difficult for its users to navigate through the tool by not providing enough resources. 

There are limited resources for the users to easily understand the tool, especially for the beginners.
Not everyone is tech savvy, right?

Dux soup is difficult to understand
Source: G2

5. Needs your computer to be active all the time:  

The chrome version(the cheap version) of the tool requires the users to keep the Chrome window open at all times for the tool to perform automation. 

Now, this can be a drag, especially for those people who are always on the go. 

You need to keep a window tab open all the time for Dux Soup chrome extension to work.
Source: G2

Overall, Dux-Soup may have some benefits, such as cost savings and friendly email support. 

But still, the above mentioned negatives outweigh the positives, making it a risky tool for LinkedIn automation.

Now that we know the pros and cons of Dux-Soup let’s pay some attention to the other features that Dux-Soup offers.

How much does Dux-Soup Cost?

Dux-Soup offers a free 14-day trial for new users with 3 different user packages.

Individual plan:

  • The Pro-Dux plan for Individuals is $14.99 per month or $11.25 per month when billed annually.
  • The Turbo Dux plan for individuals is $55 per month or $41.25 per month when billed annually.
  • The Cloud Dux plan for individuals $99 per month or $74.16 per month when billed annually. 
Dux soup pricing
Source: Dux-soup

Team Plan‍ (You need more than 1 seat): 

  • The Pro-Dux plan for Teams is $14.99 per month or $11.25 per month when billed annually.
  • The Turbo Dux plan for Teams is $55.00 per month or $41.25 per month when billed annually.  
  • The Cloud Dux plan for individuals $99 per month or $74.16 per month when billed annually. 
Team plan pricing Dux Soup
Source- Dux-Soup

Agency plan:

  • The Pro-Dux plan for an agency is $337.50 per month.(Must have 30+ seats)
  • The Turbo Dux plan for an agency is $412.50 per month.(Must have 10+ seats)
  • The Cloud Dux plan for an agency is $371 per month.(Must have 5+ seats)
Agency plan pricing Dux Soup
Source- Dux-Soup

Let’s see why Dux-Soup is not worth the price or go for an alternative.

Why you shouldn't go for Dux-Soup:

  • The individual plan is not worth it as it offers fewer features.
  • The Team plan is not suitable for local businesses and small-medium marketing agencies. The features offered are not enough for the price.
  • The agency plan is way too expensive for service businesses and small-medium marketing agencies.
  • There are better, more affordable alternatives out there.

In contrast, numerous alternative options, such as Salesrobot, offer a more intuitive user experience and are considered entirely secure.

Top 3 Lesser Known Features Of Dux-Soup:

3 lesser know features of Dux soup

1. Detailed analytics:

With Dux-Funnel Soup's Flow feature, you can track your campaigns and analyze your activity levels.

You can easily determine which campaigns and messages are most effective and access all the data you've gathered about your campaigns.

2. Automatic data collection:

Dux-Soup allows you to view profiles automatically, filter prospects, and send customized messages.

You can quickly gather data, save profile information, or upload data to CSV or spreadsheet.

Plus, you can always see your campaign history.

3. Auto-tagging:

When you visit a profile, Dux-Soup allows you to tag it with up to 5 tags.

You can send personalized connection requests to your contacts, which can help improve your conversion rates.

You can easily search for and select tags in just a few clicks to create the desired list.

You can also automate activities to these lists, follow up with connection requests, or send new content for engagement.

What we covered so far in this Dux-Soup Review

Dux-Soup is a LinkedIn automation tool that allows users to automate their LinkedIn prospecting and outreach activities.

It has impressive ratings on review platforms, with some top features, including building a network of potential customers on LinkedIn, multiple campaign setups, low cost, and integration with CRM.

However, the tool has some limitations, including a complex and unintuitive user interface, slowing down LinkedIn, and limitations to the invite function.

Additionally, Dux-Soup may result in users being banned from LinkedIn.

In that case, many other LinkedIn automation tools like Salesrobot are available in the market that can help you generate leads with a better lead generation process.

When choosing an alternative to Dux-Soup, look for tools that offer a more user-friendly interface and are completely safe ( we never want your LinkedIn to get banned🥲).

Salesrobot, the #1 user-friendly, cloud-based alternative to Dux-Soup that keeps your LinkedIn account safe

Let me talk to you about Salesrobot and why it's the better alternative to Dux-Soup.

Salesrobot signup page

Now, let me highlight some key features of Salesrobot that make it stand out:

#1 User-Friendly Interface:

One of the significant advantages of Salesrobot over Dux-Soup is its user-friendly interface.

Even non-technical users can easily navigate the platform and create automated LinkedIn campaigns.

Here's how Salesrobot's interface is better than Dux-Soup:

  • Simple Dashboard: Salesrobot's dashboard is designed to simplify campaign setup and management, whereas Dux-Soup's interface can be overwhelming with too many features and options.‍
  • Easy-to-Use Campaign Editor: Salesrobot's campaign editor is straightforward; users can create and manage campaigns with just a few clicks.

2. Better Customer Support:

Customer support is another area where Salesrobot surpasses Dux-Soup.

Salesrobot offers faster and more responsive customer support than Dux-Soup.

Here's how Salesrobot's customer support is better than Dux-Soup:

  • 24/7 Live Chat: Salesrobot offers 24/7 live chat, phone, and email support, while Dux-Soup's customer support is only available during business hours and only via email.
  • Youtube videos for everything: Salesrobot's YouTube channel provides helpful guidance on each step of the process.

By visiting our Youtube channel, you can find useful videos to assist you with any problems you encounter while using our tool. We have covered everything about Salesrobot in these videos, so you can easily search for the information you need.

Youtube page of Salesrobot

Dux-Soup doesn't offer this service.

3. Safer than Dux-Soup:

Salesrobot's cloud-based tool is less likely to get flagged on LinkedIn than Dux-Soup, which is a Chrome-based software.

Here are some reasons why Salesrobot is more secure than Dux-Soup:

  • No download Required: Salesrobot is a cloud-based tool that runs on servers, and users can access it through their web browser.
  • No need to keep the window tab open all the time: You can run a campaign, shut down your computer, take a trip to Dubai, and when you come back, you’ll see the campaign executed.

So, in conclusion, if you're looking for a tool that can take your cold outreach game to the next level without burning a hole in your pocket, Salesrobot is the way to go.

How much does Salesrobot cost?

Salesrobot currently has 3 plans available for all types of users. 

Salesrobot pricing

Here are the 3 plans: 

1. Starter: Do it yourself plan 

You can add 1 LinkedIn and 1 email account.
You can send 600-800 connection requests/month
You can send 600 follow-up msgs/month
You can send 800 open InMail msgs/month
And more. 

starts at  $99 per month.

2. Pro: We do it for you

Everything included in Starter plan 

+ High converting message sequence written by out expert copywriting team

+ We will build a detailed ICP list for you

+ You will get a dedicated account manager 

+ Also, you will get access to priority support
Starts at $397 per month. 

2. Pro+: We do it all

Everything included in pro plan 

+ 4 LinkedIn posts written by expert copywriters

+ 40 comments by our expert copywriters

+ Also, you will get access to priority support via Email, WhatsApp, Slack, or Zoom
Starts at $497 per month.

Also, you can save 20% on the membership fee if paid yearly. If interested , you can take a 14 days free trial. No credit card required. 

If you love our tool but want it to be yours, we offer a white-label option. You can market the product as your own, with your logo, branding scheme, everything yours. We'll handle the technical stuff.

Dux-Soup Vs Salesrobot. Which is better?

Infographic comparing Salesrobot and Dux Soup

Salesrobot and Dux-Soup are both tools that can automate lead generation on LinkedIn.

However, Salesrobot has some advantages over Dux-Soup:

  • ‍Salesrobot is easier to use than Dux-Soup, even for non-technical users.
G2 review of Salesrobot
Source: G2

• Salesrobot offers a faster and more responsive customer support system than Dux-Soup.

G2 review of Salesrobot
Source: G2

• As it is a cloud-based tool, unlike Dux-Soup which is a Chrome-based software, it is less likely to get flagged on LinkedIn.

Overall, Salesrobot is a better choice for businesses that want to generate leads on LinkedIn efficiently and effectively.

Its user-friendly interface, advanced targeting, unlimited users, and affordable pricing make it a top choice for businesses of any size.

Furthermore, the company's commitment to customer support ensures that users will have the help they need to get the most out of the tool.

Wrapping up this Dux-Soup review.

If you're considering using Dux-Soup as a LinkedIn automation tool, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Here are some points to keep in mind:

Dux Soup Pros:

  • Dux-Soup is an affordable tool
  • It is a great tool with superior Integrations

Dux Soup Cons:

  • Dux-Soup is not entirely safe to use

Its Chrome extension has been reported to be the cause of LinkedIn account bans.

  • The user interface is not user-friendly

This can make the automation process a tedious and frustrating experience

Fortunately, alternatives such as Salesrobot are available in the market.

Here are some points to keep in mind:

  • Salesrobot is a safer alternative to Dux-Soup

It offers stronger security measures, such as anti-spam measures

Salesrobot may be pricier than Dux-Soup, but it is worth the investment to ensure your LinkedIn account remains secure.

  • Salesrobot has a better customer support system than Dux-Soup.

In summary, if you're looking for a Dux-Soup alternative, consider a free trial of a tool like Salesrobot that offers a more user-friendly interface, stronger security measures, and a more streamlined automation experience.

Who knows, you might just end up getting a new client, like this guy did.

G2 review of Salesrobot
Source: G2

Disclaimer: The content of this blog post reflects our own opinions and judgements based on our research and experience as of 29.05.2024. Comparisons made to other software or tools are for informational purposes only and are based on publicly available information and our own analysis. We do not claim absolute accuracy and encourage readers to conduct their own research to form their own opinions. While we may discuss competitor offerings, our primary focus is to showcase the features and benefits of Salesrobot. Salesrobot is not affiliated with any other software or tool mentioned in this blog post.

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